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Opinions of Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw Awuah Boadu

RE-Saint Akufo-Addo Damns Mills

This piece is in direct response to the above named article that was published via the link by The Catalysts. The stubborn rented NDC press is at its propaganda tricks again. I believe they should be met with dispassionate arguments to defeat their sworn aim to keep the inept and corrupt government still in power. Importantly, as it is becoming clear President Mills is in government to protect “hard core criminals in our society today who have made it a habit to hold paid membership cards…” presumably of the NDC “….in the republic as an unconstitutional insurance against crime and criminal prosecutions.” As underscored by his Attorney General Martin Amidu, a revelation that angered President Mills to the extent of sacking him.
It’s unbelievable how they’re quick and able to make reverse arguments to tag others with all their fake, concocted and engineered attributes of President Mills when they become unpopular with the people of Ghana anymore.
Indeed, why wouldn’t The Catalyst go the extent of associating Nana Addo with sainthood, when Ghanaians have learnt bitter lessons from the sainthood attributes that largely contributed to the election of President Mills? What The Catalyst ought to know is that there’re true saints and charlatans. Indeed, Ghanaians are increasing finding answers to the question of whether President Mills is a saint or political Charlatan. It stands to reason why the Catalyst is unleashing its gullible argument to tag Nana Addo with sainthood as if there’s something wrong for being a Saint. Anyway this is not going to change how Ghanaians see Nana Addo and President Mills. Nana Addo and President Mills have had enough space and time to witness themselves to Ghanaians and the judgement is absolutely theirs come December.
Nana Addo was spot on when he said “This year will be a time for choice; a choice between stagnation and progress, between non-performance and competence, between corruption and integrity. Well, I have no doubt that the Ghanaian people will favour us with the blessing of the Almighty.”
It’s laughable and absurd the Catalyst has a problem with the above statement from Nana Addo by stating “Nana Akufo-Addo wants the Ghanaian electorate to vote for a man who favours progress rather than stagnation. Of course not him, but President Mills is that man of progress”. The Catalyst should have understood that Nana Addo rightly arrogated the power to make that decision to Ghanaians and asked for God’s blessing so that Ghanaians favour the NPP. What’s wrong with that?
Look at the bluff and arrogance of the Catalyst “Of course not him, but President Mills is that man of progress”. The Catalyst and the NDC should know that it solely remains the verdict of Ghanaians among the two men who is progressive and the question of who is a saint or charlatan will be left to Ghanaians to answer.
Read the progress made by President Mills upon which Ghanaians should give him a second term by the sycophantic estimation of the catalyst and NDC.
It asserts Ghanaians are “perplexed what their eyes are seeing. President Mills has paid almost all the gargantuan debts…” Let the Catalyst come again. Who incurred the Debt if indeed they’ve paid any debt? Who was the head of Ghana’s economic management team when Ghana was plunged into HIPC? Do you recall President Mills’ view before ordering EOCO to investigate Woyomegate? He said “Now who made it possible for that beneficiary to be entitled to that amount? So we have to look critically at the issue. When were these debts incurred and who were responsible."
Now the question is who plunged Ghana into HIPC and the debts? You see their hypocrisy? President Mills is the answer if they do not have the courage to answer. Now you see how they want to associate the word “gargantuan”?
Again, the catalyst sought to compare President Mills and Nana Addo on issues of performance, integrity and resolve to fight corruption. Let the Catalyst come again what President Mills has achieved by his promise to find the killers of the late Ya Na as a President? President Mills admonishes “The fight against corruption needs a concerted effort by all so that we all become watch-dogs against corruption.”

Yet, President Mills fails to take action on two occasions according to the EOCO report to discipline his own ministers who violated his orders leading to Ghana losing Billions of Ghana Cedis under Woyomeage. President Mills is audacious enough to sack the only appointee who sought to do what was right under the circumstance. I recently pointed out President Mills is over rated and it’ll be interesting to hear if one Mr Kwami Pianim can still publicly “vouch for the integrity of President Mills any day because the president is totally incorruptible” as the Catalyst glees in.
Let the Catalyst and the rented NDC press concentrate their effort in absolving President Mills from his accusation of being weak and shielding criminals. President Mills and his rented NDC press should stop behaving as if they are campaigning as opposition candidate. Let’s tell President Mills he’s in charge and his action promised is long overdue.
The Catalyst should allow the “Ghanaian electorate to vote for a man who favours progress rather than stagnation” and not hurriedly conclude “….President Mills is that man of progress.”
Yaw Awuah Boadu Ayeboafo, [email protected] Tepa-Ashanti