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Opinions of Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

RE: Why Akufo Addo's Man smearing Alan's Campaign


Through out the whole week as I sit agglutinated to the net, I've been trying so had to contain myself as I read the dishing and swishing of Kofi Amankwah. This phony fakery fraud has the audacity to accuse Gabby Darko Otchere, for besmirching Alan Kyeremateng, after the constant pillaging of Akufo Addo for the past couple of years by the rootless hands of this NDC mole (as commentators have named him). Instead of making a case for Alan Kyeremateng, you are motivated by your tribalistic persuasion to defame and to destroy Akufo Addo. I don't have any connection with any NPP presidential aspirant, but I know come Aug.7th after presidential aspirants have stated their cases, delegates of the party will make a good choice. The politics of personal destruction that oozes out of Kofi Amankwah shows his tribalistic bias, and lack of political wisdom.

Kofi Amankwah, I don't know what Alan kyeremateng has promised you, but I write to warn you. If you don't retract the officious articles pillaging a man you know diddly squad of, I will expose you. You claim there are skeletons in Akufo Addo's closet right? Let me tell you, I also know of the skeletons in your office (BEAK BROKERAGE) in the Bronx. I know of all the shenanigans that goes on there and I dare you to dare me. You have 1 week to retract the lies you have promulgated on this forum about Akufo Addo else the whole world will know of what you, George, and Kwaku (your brother) do at your office in the Bronx. Let me also remind you that your skeletons wouldn't be based on a vicarious experience, but a first hand knowledge. It is the likes of people like you who have foisted the Ashanti and Akyem divide into the political higgledy- piggledy the NPP finds itself in today. Again you have one week to retract. Please do as a favor and learn the difference between delegates of a party and the electorates of a nation.

As a fellow contributor to this forum, it pains me to take this route, but Kofi Amankwah has given me no option. So to readers who may be offended, please bear with me as I put a stop to the journalistic blunder this NDC mole is perpetrating.

Kwadwo Poku N Y