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Opinions of Sunday, 11 September 2022

Columnist: Cameron Duodu

Race, Politics in modern Britain

Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II

By a quirk of circumstances, two features of British politics became a reality in the same week.

On 8 September 2022, Queen Elizabeth II breathed her last at Balmoral Castle, to be succeeded by her eldest son, Prince Charles. He is now King Charles the Third.

A day earlier, the new British Prime Minister, Liz Truss, had announced her cabinet. Next to herself, the most important member of the new Government is Mr Kwasi Kwarteng, who had been Business Secretary in the just-dissolved Cabinet of the former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Kwasi Kwarteng is now the UK’s “Chancellor of the Exchequer”, or what is known elsewhere as “Finance Minister”.

Kwasi Kwarteng’s rise to such a high position in the government of the UK is connected, in a way, to how Britain is evolving as a society. On the one hand, while Kwarteng has benefited from a diversification of the top rungs of British politics (caused by the advent of meritocracy) the succession, as King, of Prince Charles, marks the consolidation of inherited rank and privilege. So, it can be said that t “Britain is, today, both advancing and staying the same (socially speaking!”)

To us in Africa, of course, what should interest us most is the ability of Kwasi Kwarteng to rise so far.

His full name Akwasi Addo Alfred Kwarteng and he was born to Ghanaian parents in the London borough of Waltham Forest, on 26 May 1975.He is the only child of Alfred Kwasi Kwarteng and Charlotte Baited-Kwarteng. Alfred Kwarteng, now 75, is an economist, born at Kwabeng, in the Eastern region of Ghana. He and Charlotte, a barrister, went to the UK from Ghana as students in the 1960s.

Kwarteng Senior was educated at Adisadel College, Cape Coast, and the University of Ghana, Legon. After Legon, he got an opportunity to do a post-graduate course in economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Following that, he worked in London for the Commonwealth Secretariat.

His mother is a barrister who has set up a well-known legal firm in London. Kwasi married Harriet Edwards in 2019. They have one child.

The Kwartengs were so education-conscious that Kwasi’s curriculum vitae Kwasi reads like a fable. After starting school at a state primary school, he was sent to Colet Court, an independent (that is, fee-paying) preparatory school in London. His brilliance showed itself there when at 13; he won a prize there called the “Harrow History Prize”.

Kwarteng then went to Eton College, a college known as the “breeding ground” for top British politicians. He got a “King's Scholarship” to go there (which meant that he spared his parents some enormous expenses, as Eton fees are among the highest in Britain.) At Eton, he was awarded a prestigious prize known as “the Newcastle Scholarship”.

From Eton, Kwasi went to read classics and history at Trinity College, Cambridge, and achieving first class in both subjects. He won another prestigious prize, the “Browne Medal”, there.

Kwarteng was a member of the Trinity College, Cambridge, University Quiz team which won the incredibly difficult TV show, University Challenge, in 1995 (in the first series after the programme was revived by the BBC in 1994).

Before becoming a Member of Parliament, Kwarteng worked as a columnist for the rightwing newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, and as a financial analyst at JPMorgan Chase and other investment banks. He wrote a book, Ghosts of Empire, about the legacy of the British Empire (published by Bloomsbury in 2011.) He also co-authored Gridlock Nation with Jonathan DuPont in 2011, about the causes of, and solutions to, traffic congestion in Britain.

Kwarteng must possess the tough skin of a hippopotamus because the Conservative Party (especially its rightwing, to which he belongs) is not known for its racial tolerance. He is obviously so posh in speech and so unmindful of the Enoch Powell faction (who believe that Britain could be “swamped by non-white immigrants” who will cause rivers of blood” to flow through the streets!) that he can close his eyes to their “nonsense”.

To the UK’s blacks, though, his rise has provided living proof that if a child ignores racism and focuses on making the most of the educational opportunities available in the UK; he/she can rise to the very top of any profession he/she chooses.

I therefore say a warm “ayikoooo!” to Kwasi Kwarteng. He’s definitely the role model needed by the blacks of the UK. But, of course, if he becomes an apologist for racist policies in the Truss Government, he will attract twice the contempt usually reserved for British black Conservatives!

Now to Queen Elizabeth the Second: she won many hearts for Britain during her 70-year-reign and my heart goes out to all her children and close family members. She showed she was a very plucky lady by visiting Ghana in 1961, at a time when there was much unrest in the country and it was feared that she could be the victim of a bomb blast.

I remember her displaying good humor by laughing uproariously at the antics of the famous Ghanaian clown, Ajax Bukana, at a parade held in her honor at the Black Star Square in Accra.

Politically, it was because of her personable nature that many of the black Commonwealth countries remained in the organization, despite the sympathy shown by British governments – especially the Thatcher government -- towards the racist government of South Africa, as its black people fought to achieve racial equality. At one stage, some African countries suggested that Britain should be kicked out of the Commonwealth but that the organization should stay, with Queen Elizabeth as its head!
