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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Columnist: John C Wussah

Radical transformation of Ghana’s education system: A blueprint for specialisation, global competitiveness and global employment

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The impetus for overhauling Ghana's education system is driven by a blend of personal experiences and insights from global educational models. My daughter's involvement in an AgSTEM-focused high school vividly illustrates the benefits of an educational approach that integrates agriculture, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, offering practical and hands-on learning experiences.

This is in stark contrast to the more traditional educational methods prevalent in Ghana.

Further perspective is gained from my personal experiences with the education systems in Australia and the United Kingdom, known for their specialisation and alignment with job market needs. The success of countries like India and Singapore in creating world-renowned education systems adds another layer to this context. India’s focus on IT and skilled labour export have positioned it as a global leader in technology education, while Singapore’s emphasis on recruiting and rewarding top-quality educators has cultivated a culture of academic excellence and innovation.

These international examples, coupled with the firsthand benefits seen from AgSTEM education, underscore the necessity for Ghana to adopt a more specialised, practical, and globally aligned educational approach.

Objectives of the proposed change:

Specialisation in higher education: Establish universities dedicated to specific fields like Medicine, ICT, AI and Data Science, Engineering, and Agriculture.

STEM and agricultural focus from early education: Integrate STEM and agricultural studies into the early education curriculum.

Alignment with global job market: Align the education system with the skills and knowledge required in the global market. If Ghana cannot fully employ its skilled labour force aligned to global needs, international labour markets can.

Export of skilled labour: Position Ghana as a significant source of skilled labour for international markets. This offers a clear opportunity for resource exports and employment.

Analysis of the current system:


Curricular limitations: Ghana's education system, characterized by a broad yet superficial curriculum, falls short of providing in-depth knowledge in crucial areas like advanced technology and specialized sciences. This contrasts starkly with countries like India and Singapore, where the curricula are meticulously tailored to align with the specific needs of the global job market,
particularly in technology and specialised scientific fields. As a result, Ghana's educational offerings often lack the depth necessary to fully equip students for the demands of the contemporary global economy.

Resource constraints: There is a significant challenge in terms of resources, including insufficient educational infrastructure, especially in rural areas, and a lack of state-of-the-art facilities and tools necessary for modern education. In contrast to nations like South Korea, which heavily invests in educational infrastructure, Ghana faces significant challenges, particularly in rural areas.

Teacher training and quality: Ghana's education system faces a significant hurdle due to the lack of robust teacher training programs, resulting in educators who are not fully equipped to deliver a modern and relevant curriculum. This issue stands in stark contrast to the models adopted by countries like Finland and Singapore.

In Singapore, for example, teachers are selected from the top tiers of their graduating classes, ensuring that only the most academically proficient individuals enter the teaching profession. Furthermore, Singaporean teachers are competitively compensated, reflecting the high value placed on education and the importance of attracting and retaining top-quality educators. This strategic approach to teacher recruitment and remuneration is a key factor in Singapore's educational excellence highlighting a critical area for development in Ghana's education system.

Research and development:
Such collaborations, common in nations with advanced educational systems, not only enhance the quality and relevance of research but also bridge the gap between academia and the practical needs of industries, fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem of innovation and practical application. For Ghana, establishing and strengthening these industry partnerships could be a pivotal
step towards elevating its R&D efforts to a level that meets global standards.

Educational equity: Educational Equity: Ghana contends with significant disparities in educational access, particularly between urban and rural areas and across different socio-economic groups. This imbalance results in unequal opportunities for students, undermining the principle of educational
equity. In sharp contrast, countries like Norway exemplify high levels of educational equity, ensuring consistent access to quality education regardless of geographical location or socio-economic background. Ghana's challenge lies in bridging these gaps to provide equitable educational opportunities, a cornerstone for fostering a fair and inclusive society.

Industry-education misalignment: Ghana's education system currently faces a significant challenge in aligning with industry needs, leading to a gap between the skills imparted to graduates and those demanded in the job market. This issue is pronounced due to the lack of modern and relevant industries within the country to bridge this gap. In contrast, Germany's dual education system exemplifies how closely tying educational content with industry demands can effectively prepare graduates for the workforce.

While Ghana may not have an extensive range of modern industries domestically, there is immense potential for collaboration with international companies and
governments. Learning from the German model, Ghana can foster partnerships and create programs that align educational outcomes with the needs of both local and international job markets, ensuring that graduates possess skills that are in demand globally, even if not immediately locally.

Why It is not working effectively:

Mismatch with Labor Market Demands: The core challenge in Ghana's education system is its misalignment with the specific requirements of today's global workforce. This misalignment results in graduates who are not sufficiently prepared for specialised roles, especially in sectors that are pivotal to global economic growth. In stark contrast, India has effectively tailored its education
a system, especially in the field of IT, to meet international market demands.

This strategic alignment in India ensures that its graduates are well-equipped for specialised positions, highlighting a significant area where Ghana's educational approach falls short in preparing its students for the demands of the modern job market.

Lack of specialisation and practical skills: Ghana's education system, characterized by a generalist approach, falls short in cultivating experts for globally critical fields, and it lacks a sufficient focus on practical skills and problem-solving. This approach contrasts sharply with countries like Japan, where the education system emphasizes Specialisation and practical skills, key elements for success in today's job market.

Consequently, Ghanaian graduates often find themselves at a disadvantage in a competitive global economy that values specialized knowledge and hands-on

Insufficient early STEM and agricultural focus: Insufficient Early STEM and Agricultural Focus: Ghana's education system inadequately emphasizes STEM and agricultural studies in early education, missing a crucial opportunity to cultivate interest and skills in these fields from a young age. This shortfall is evident when compared to countries like Israel, a nation of great innovators,
where prioritizing STEM education from the early stages is a strategic approach that significantly contributes to the development of a highly skilled workforce. This lack of early focus in Ghana impedes the nurturing of essential skills and interests essential for future innovation and economic growth.

Inadequate infrastructure and resources: Ghana's education system suffers from a lack of investment in modern facilities and resources, especially in rural and underserved areas, leading to a significant quality gap in education and limited access to contemporary learning tools. This situation is in stark contrast to countries like China, where substantial investments in modern educational infrastructure and technology are commonplace, ensuring a more equitable and advanced learning environment.

Teacher training and development deficits: Ghana’s education system is hindered by inadequate teacher training and professional development opportunities, crucial for delivering an updated and relevant curriculum. This deficiency starkly contrasts with the approach of countries like Singapore, where high-quality teacher training is a priority, ensuring educators are well-
equipped for modern teaching demands. The limited focus on professional development for teachers in Ghana significantly impacts the overall quality of education.

Unequal access and opportunities: The disparities in access to quality education create a divide in opportunities, leaving many students, especially in
rural areas, without the necessary skills and knowledge to compete in the global job market. This disparity is notably different from the education systems in Scandinavian countries, where there is a strong emphasis on ensuring equal
educational access for all, thereby providing a more level playing field and
preparing students uniformly for global market challenges.

Policy recommendations:

Specialisation in higher education:

Establish Specialized Universities: Ghana's advancement in higher education can be significantly propelled by establishing universities specifically dedicated to crucial and emerging fields. This strategic move would involve creating specialised institutions such as the University of Medicine and Medical Research, the University of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, the University of Engineering, the University of Information and Communications Technology, the University of Finance and Business Administration, and other specialised institutions.

This approach aims to exceed the level of specialization found in globally
recognized institutions like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. By focusing distinct universities on these specific areas, Ghana can cultivate centres of excellence, nurturing deep expertise and promoting innovation in each respective field.

Develop international curriculum partnerships: To develop curricula that are attuned to the needs of the global job market, the Ghanaian government can proactively seek international collaboration, particularly with leading tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, and Amazon. These partnerships, modeled on Stanford University's successful engagement with Silicon Valley, would involve creating a framework for regular dialogue and cooperation with
these global industry leaders.

The government could set up advisory panels that include representatives from these companies, leveraging their expertise to shape curricula that reflect the latest trends and demands in technology and business. Furthermore, incentives
could be offered to these multinational corporations to encourage their active involvement in educational programs, including guest lectures, internships, and collaborative research projects. This international collaboration would not only enrich the curriculum with global perspectives but also ensure that Ghanaian students are equipped with cutting-edge skills and knowledge, making them competitive in the international job market.

STEM and agricultural focus from early education:

Integrated curriculum: Develop a curriculum that embeds STEM and agricultural studies from early education, drawing inspiration from Israel's emphasis on early STEM education.

Teacher training programs: Establish training programs for teachers in STEM and agriculture, modelled after Finland's teacher education system, which emphasizes subject mastery and pedagogical skills.

Alignment with global job market:

Labor market analysis unit: Set up a dedicated unit for analysing global job trends and integrating findings into curriculum development, like Singapore's approach to the workforce- relevant education.

Soft skills development: Incorporate courses on soft skills, as seen in Canadian education systems, to enhance effective work ethics, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Export of skilled labour:

International job placement programs: Develop programs for placing graduates in international markets, akin to India's IT workforce export model.

Accreditation and certification: Ensure academic programs meet international standards, drawing on the accreditation models used in European universities, to facilitate global recognition.

Infrastructure and educational resources:

Investment in modern facilities: Allocate significant funding for state-of-the-art educational facilities, like South Korea's investment in educational technology.

Public-private partnerships: Encourage partnerships between the government and private sector for resource allocation, inspired by the model used in the United States.

Governance and quality assurance:/

Regulatory frameworks: Implement robust regulatory frameworks for quality assurance in education, like the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Stakeholder engagement: Regularly engage with stakeholders including
educators, industry leaders, and students for continuous feedback and improvement, as practiced in the Netherlands.


In conclusion, the envisioned transformation of Ghana's education system represents a pivotal step towards aligning with global educational standards and addressing the unique challenges and opportunities within the country. The proposed reforms, inspired by successful international models and driven by a commitment to specialisation and practical skills, aim to position Ghanaian
graduates as competitive and competent contributors to the global workforce.

Establishing specialised universities, fostering curriculum partnerships with global industry leaders, and emphasizing early STEM and agricultural education are crucial strategies that promise to reshape the educational landscape of Ghana. These changes are not just about enhancing the academic experience but also about building a robust foundation for the nation's future, equipping the youth with the skills and knowledge to drive innovation, economic growth, and sustainable development.

The success of this transformative journey hinges on the collaborative efforts of the Ghanaian government, educational institutions, industry partners, and international collaborators. It is a call to action for all stakeholders to invest in the future of Ghana's education, to embrace change, and to work collectively towards a common vision. By doing so, Ghana can emerge as a leader in education in Africa, recognized for its forward-thinking approach and commitment to excellence. This is more than an educational reform; it is a strategic pathway to unlocking the potential of Ghana's most valuable asset – its people – and paving the way for a future that is innovative, competitive, and bright.