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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Columnist: Agnes Boakyewaa Minta

Radio Bar is the station, children's corner is the programme

Agnes Boakyewaa Minta Agnes Boakyewaa Minta

"The peace of a country is threatened when the leader disrespects the constitution and governs by decrees and fatwas."

"To maintain peace in the country, we must learn to tolerate each other's views howbeit dissenting and contrary to our supposed sacrosanct myopic views." (Sic).

These had been but a microcosm of submissions of kids on the Radio BAR 93.5 MHz Children's Corner programme steered by the indisputable star of the airwaves; Agnes Boakyewaa Minta.

Not only my hero of the day, Chatty Ibrahim, who stood alone to remind the education ministry and the government that: "what the Ghanaian child needs today is not the changing of school uniform, but the food (better if not best education) that feeds the brain." The 20th April 2019 edition of the Children's Corner programme needs attention.

When will I meet Chatty's parents to tell them that their son is a freedom fighter, and a brave warrior? It's his likes who when given the chance will not be sycophants and bootlickers to serve their stomachs whiles their subjects drinks and dine but the free air.

The host herself on the programme, though forward looking, but tolerant, and never looked down on the kids who at times may follow the typical "African Disciplined Child platitude" and fears to criticise the evils he/she faces, unlike in the case of Chatty Ibrahim, who though respectful, but fearless in her submissions, so far as he's right, just like Agnes.

Agnes, 'Auntie', the kids call her, with smiles corrects and applauds who it's deserved, and it's reflected in the doings of the kids on the show. Scoffing is seldom heard on the show, and they talk as if groomed for years to appear for just one for all-time programme.

It's then fitting my last week's article published on about the programme captioned: "Bono Kids Are Showing The Way."
And indeed, that's what they're doing.

After following the programme for a while, since coming to the Goka Kingdom - my nativity, to serve as a courtier in Vasco the Wise's Court, I do wonder why I've not heard Agnes mentioned for the Radio and Television Personality Award in Ghana.

It'd been listening to the Morning Show programme hosted by Tony Good and Abrewa Nana that glued me to the Radio BAR, but dedicating more time now to listening had presented me with a new heroine - Agnes Boakyewaa Minta.
Is it that she's sidelined for awards just because she does not suffer from verbal diarrhoea and rain insults on those in authority and supposed foes in the media?

Or like Chatty Ibrahim believes, 'it's as a result of the Ghanaian disregarding education in the country?

You know what, as a lord and a consummate courtier, I'm not only using my leverage to call for a larger listenership to the Radio BAR programmes but reminding those who awards journalists in the Republic that: "Bono wields the best."

Closing your eyes to these talents is accepting it that Ghana only rewards the "violent and nation wreckers".

Whiles in Accra, I'd attended and followed press soirées and Balls, and they that are with acerbic tongues get mentioned almost always.

Agnes Boakyewaa Minta, Radio BAR and the Children's Corner programme will I believe; never fancy that stance, but in the hearts of right thinking Ghanaians who worth our salt, we've crowned 93.5 MHz as the best station to listen to.

The paraphrase (s) in the preamble had been views from the Notre Dame Girls' High School in Fiapre - Sunyani, Agnes' alma mater. They've been hosted on the programme alongside young kids within the Bono Region who are below the voting age of eighteen. But their mission there had been to promote peace in Ghana. They've come on the show to condemn vigilantism, violence in our politicking and sermoned that: " if Ghana can see the better future, the relative peace of the country should not be toyed with." And as spokespersons for the school's Local Peace Council, they begged the violent Ghanaian to have in mind that: "a mad dog does not know its owner."

How I wish the Children's Corner programme never close, but the sponsors can only pay for one hour (8:00 - 9:00 am).

This opens the chance for business owners and philanthropists to come in now, so we can learn more from the Bono Kids.

The signature song alone gives me hope: "We need no WAR"

Written by: Charles Yeboah
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