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Opinions of Thursday, 26 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rallying Support For Former Attorney General Martin Amidu

Friends, Ghanaians, countrymen, lend me your ears, for I have come to announce my quest to rally support for Brother Martin Amidu in his vigilante fight to save Ghana from the extremely corrupt President Mahama's NDC government. He was sacked from government by President Atta Mills for being too squeaky clean; shunning the NDC corruption with rather avid interest in exposing the established "create, loot and share" NDC's policy via judgment debt payments.

He was not keen on the NDC party and government colluding with one Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome to swindle Ghana out of a whopping sum of over GHc51.2 million. When he expressed his disgust at the circumstances facilitating the daylight robbery inflicted on Ghana by Woyome, now the most notorious Ghanaian swindler of the 21st Century, coupled with his resolute determination to pursue him in court for the retrieval of the money, President Mills sacked him.

It must be noted that Alfred Agbesi Woyome is a self-styled major financier of the NDC party. Now that all recent unfolding developments point to the fact that the NDC government connived with Woyome to dupe Ghana, with Brother Amidu vigorously pursuing court actions to collect the stolen money from Woyome, some people of dubious minds are ganging up against him.

Do we as discerning Ghanaians, knowing the truth, sit on the fence while crooks threaten or denigrate Brother Amidu? The answer is a BIG NO. Subsequently, I invite all sensible, selfless, honest and dedicated Ghanaians to join me in rallying behind him in his fight for the collective interests of Ghanaians.

We need to support him morally, physically and financially. Would Brother Martin Amidu please set up a bank account, make the number known for those supportive of his determination to tackle Woyome and his accomplices in court to make contributions toward his court expenses?

Fellow Ghanaians, muse on my suggestion and then let us side with him. It is only wise that we lend our support to a good person fighting for the collective interests of Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo