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Opinions of Friday, 12 November 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

Rawlings Infests Spio Garbrah With Diarrhea Of The Mouth

Dr Kwadwo Poku On Call.

After referring the cultic moron to Dr. Justice Sarpomg of Texas due to his diarrhea
of the mouth morphing to lunacy, I took a couple of weeks off from my private
practice. And barely a week into this well deserved respite of mine, I get a call
saying; Rawlings infested Spio Garbrah before living for treatment in Texas. So
here I am having to deal with this contagion all over again.

Before I commence treatment, please allow me ask the Vice chairman of the NDC some
few questions since they could assist in his expeditious recovery. Spio Garbrah do
you know the Feb.14th fire at the ridge residence of the unrepentant wastrel was the
job of an arsonist? Do you know out of the 350 dollars monthly stipends Junior Jesus
received during his tenure, he is today one of the wealthiest men in Ghana? Do you
know he recently admitted owning a mansion in East Legon? Do you know there is no
where in the constitution (he foisted on us after having it drafted on his lap by
his hand picked men) that requires the sitting president to provide housing for an
ex president? Why Spio Garbrah, why. As a man of books why do you allow yourself to
be used and abused by an intellectually deficient criminal who's been nothing but a
pest in the vine of democracy. You are an embarrassment to the doctorate degree you
hold. After all these years of academia if you could be infested by the foot in
mouth disease of this buffoon, then you don't deserve to be called a doctor.

If this murderer and his family who've never paid rent in their existence on planet
earth are in die need of housing, where are the pseudo friends, whom they claim
funded the hundreds and thousands of dollars in educating their children abroad as
Pellicles (a commentator to this forum) succinctly put it. Your recent attack on the
Mills administration for not providing housing for this thorn in the side of
democracy, shows you lack political wisdom, but first you have to be treated of this
diarrhea of the mouth and I am committed as a Dr. in doing so. Like I always say, It
will be done with verbal dexterity and writing tablet medications.

Kwadwo Poku N Y