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Opinions of Friday, 19 November 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rawlings Performs About-Turn as Mills Caves in to his Demands

The NDC after arranging a series of reconciliatory meetings behind the scenes have
been able to lure Togbe Avaklasu Rawlings with the bait of inducements. The NDC
government is building him his dream house in conformity with the sternest
specifications as prescribed by him. Normally a beggar is said to have no choice,
but this sole strongman of Ghana has more than a choice. He is being appeased big
time. Having twisted the hand of President Mills a bit, brainstormed the minds of
the self-seeking NDC gurus, Rawlings is alas having the last laugh. "He, who laughs
last, laughs the best"

Ouch! Atta Mills yells, falls on his knees and pleads with his former boss, Togbe
Avaklasu Rawlings to spare him the rod and any further needless embarrassment. He
says, "Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth" Before the acceptance of this plea for
sympathy, Rawlings orders President Mills, "Arrest all the former Government
Ministers of the Kufuor's NPP administration" Investigate and arrest all those
behind the year 2000 gory killings of thirty four women in the streets of Accra and
Kumasi. Sack all NPP appointees and make sure the NDC foot-soldiers are better
catered for than the non-NDC people. Ensure the murderers of Ya-'Na Yakubu Andani
are brought to justice at the crack of my fingers without waiting to hear my
screaming thunderous voice. My anger is far worse than lightning. The insults and
threats that follow will be deadlier than the strike of lightning, Rawlings may have
threatened. President Mills yields in to the demands of Rawlings. He
straightaway orders the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to investigate, arrest,
prosecute and incarcerate the perpetrators of that heinous crime that saw bodies of
women littering the streets of Accra and Kumasi.

It is an excellent idea aimed at ridding Ghana of repugnant crimes that send cold
down the spine of many. I suggest Rawlings who is on record to claim awareness of
the identities of the authors of the crime should be invited to assist the
investigation. Failing to assist, he should be charged with perverting the course of

I wonder if Rawlings will at all be a credible principal witness. He is a person who
only sees committal of crimes in political colours and is always trigger happy to
assign them as such. He is politically biased and naïve. His actions epitomize the
ignorance of a raving dictator whose quest to rule forever is cut short by a
superior power. He has directly been the cause of most of the ongoing lawlessness of
the so-called NDC foot-soldiers. Has he not been encouraging them to agitate in
whatever way they feel appropriate to get the attention of President Mills to look
after them? Did he not seek to undermine the NPP administration and is he not doing
same to President Mills' NDC government?

Rawlings unfortunately feels that the impregnable Constitutional clause of "No
accountability but Indemnity for him" insulates him against arrest and prosecution
so he can behave anyhow regardless how irresponsible it may be. How can a person who
has committed unprecedented atrocities in the annals of Ghana history, cocooned in
iron-wrought Constitutional clause as just mentioned above be trusted to call the
shots? How honest is such a person who knowing the truth about the killings said he
would only volunteer information on condition that he was either taken before Nana
Antoa Nyamaah (a renowned Ashanti fetish shrine) or undergoes a polygraph testing
(lie detector test). Does that make sense to you, my dear reader? One voluntarily
submits to a lie detector testing to declare their innocence. On the other hand, one
can be forced to submit to the test to prove their guilt. In the case of Rawlings,
he himself came up with a wild allegation of having
knowledge of the authors of gruesome murders. He goes on to set precondition for
disclosing their identities. How stupid are we to accept his conditions as laid
down or proposed. He should have been arrested there and then but for that
outrageous Constitutional indemnity in which he is safely encased.

Rawlings is the most corrupt person to ever rule Ghana. He keeps concealing the
identities of those doing him big favours – paying his children's expensive foreign
school fees, buying him bullet proof cars and pleasure boats. He is worse than a
joker if he thinks he is fooling Ghanaians by such irresponsible excuses. He is
fooling only himself. "Cheat spider, you cheat yourself"

President Mills should sit up and not allow Rawlings to rule through him as is about
to be the case now. Ghanaians voted for Mills but not that greedy Rawlings who
thinks he is always the best for the fact that he has a Whiteman's blood in him.
Strip him of that protection that is making him feel he is a saint. Simply put, he
is a devil in an angel's skin. I like him as a fellow Ghanaian but I hate the way he
misconducts himself with his false perception that he is a saint. Rid him of the
Indemnity cloak and we shall all see how bony he is on honesty but juicy on

I shall come back stronger to bundle him to the cleaners if he abuses his
Constitutional indemnity which was entrenched in the constitution as a precondition
for transferring the administration from military to civilian.

Rockson Adofo