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Opinions of Monday, 13 January 2014

Columnist: Baafi, Alex Bossman

Rawlings’ Unguarded Statements Continue To Divide the Nation

By Alex Bossman Baafi

There is no doubt about the fact that our country became deeply divided after the 2012 general elections. The political tension and uncertainty that followed suit did much damage to our economy because investments were curtailed and job creation stalled for that matter.

The controversial and shameful Supreme Court verdict also failed to heal the wounds of disappointments, indifference and apathy of many people towards our governance system being championed by the current NDC government under the leadership of President John Mahama. I can say for a fact that the lukewarm attitude toward pushing together in the same direction for the economic development of our country is not going to fade away soon.

One personality, a political leader, who attempted to bring the people of our country together, was Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo. After accepting the Supreme Court’s verdict and congratulating President Mahama, he went further to advice his followers to also accept the verdict, maintain the peace, and contribute to support the development of the country.

In my humble opinion, former President Rawlings certain unguarded statements such as “Kuffour was Autocratic Thief” made when speaking as the guest of honor during the closing ceremony of the International Youth Fellowship at Adidome senior high school in the Volta Region was unacceptable. It does not promote unity for development. It discourages team efforts and retards national progress in development. It cast an ugly slur on the personality of Rawlings himself. As the former head of state he is suppose to know better and lead a life worthy of emulation.

Former President Kuffour commands a great deal of respect of a huge section of our population. His reputation locally and internationally is impeccable. He is a hero of the largest opposition party in the country. He is a Statesman and should be respected as such.

After Nineteen years of Rawlings’ visionless leadership, our country and its suffering masses deserve better. Mrs. Rawlings should please advice the husband that enough is enough.