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Opinions of Sunday, 27 December 2009

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rawlings "adaadaa me" - (Rawlings has Deceived Me)

The law is not a respecter of persons, so it says. However in Ghana, it does. There is that strongman, the supposed "King Kong" from the Volta Region who is a law unto himself. He has unfortunately let his perceptions of himself being the strongest untouchable person in Ghana rule him and his judgment. "In the Land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King". Similarly, in the country of cowards, the one screaming madman can dominate. Barely had I praised Togbui Avaklasu J.J.Rawlings the other day for excelling in his admonition to Ghanaians to support President Mills when he went out the next day retracting his advice. A subtle liar as he is, he quickly reneged on any cordial promises made to the Mills' administration when he delivered his "Support Mills to Succeed Speech" in Sunyani.

I have now come to realise how truthful all adages are. The Wiseman says, "It is difficult to teach old dog new tricks". Another says, "Bath the pig; put a lipstick to its mouth, it will still remain a pig as it will always wallow in its own shit in the sty". Unfortunately, Mr. Rawlings consciously or otherwise bears attitudinal similarities with these two mentioned animals. He doesn't understand; and he can never understand that we are no longer living in the bygone era of his brutal military adventurism. He doesn't make sense to me with all his ranting and insults directed at his once subordinates. He still perceives Former President Kufuor and the sitting President Atta Mills as his school boys.

Rawlings in another speech titled, "The Integrity of Mills is not the issue" as published on GhanaWeb on Tuesday, 15 December 2009, has the following to say: "President Mills' incorruptibility should be relegated to the background as a lot more was expected of him. Integrity is unfortunately not enough to manage a country. It is the ability to uphold a sense of probity, accountability and the strength and urgency of one's sense of justice that defines an incorruptible NDC leader". Is Rawlings not contradicting himself here as against his speech in Sunyani the other day where he acknowledged the potentials of Atta Mills to ably rule the nation? Rawlings keeps preaching probity and accountability yet he is not accountable for his untoward actions. He is himself cocooned in steel but spinning a cobweb of lies to entrap the less intelligent Ghanaians. Anyway, see him as that pot which tells the kettle you are black. With all these absurd destructive criticisms emanating from Rawlings against Atta Mills and his government, he is only cutting his own nose to spite his bloody face. "He has lost the art of communication but not the art of the gift of speech"

President Mills, please continue to keep your patience without ever yielding in to any provocations by whoever for a wise head keeps a still tongue. And mind you, if you sit by the banks of the river long enough, you will see your enemies float on by. Rawlings is one such enemies and Spio Garbrah is another. Finally, speak not into the ears of a fool for he will despise the wisdom of your words. Never ever reason with Rawlings as he is intellectually challenged to comprehend your plans.

May I on behalf of President Mills request the Ghanaian radio stations to play the songs titled "To wo bo ase oyefo eei, fidie wura beba, nea obebo wo mmaa ye a wo se obiara ntumi wo" and "Me dofo adaadaa me" for Rawlings, in case he will learn a lesson from the lyrics?

I should like to express my appreciation for the great job of information dissemination as shouldered fearlessly by the Ghana media houses especially, the Ghanaweb,, Peace FM etc. Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you all. In the same breath, I will retreat into my cave to mourn my brother Yaw Poku who passed away about two weeks ago and my classmate Comfort Gyimah who is lying lifeless in a French mortuary since four days ago. Mr Rawlings, one day, you may be in the state of these departed loved ones so please stop terrorising President Mills and his government.

Rockson Adofo