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Opinions of Saturday, 12 June 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rawlings is Fuming

at the Repeated Court Adjournments of Nana Darkwah's Arson's Allegation Trial.

Once more the mockery of the Ghanaian justice system is made apparent by the incompetence and cowardice of one Justice Charles A. Wilson. He is the judge presiding over the case involving one Nana Darkwah, my Kumawuman kinsman. Nana Darkwah had alleged on Top Radio Fm as a panellist on a programme that Former President Avaklasu J.J. Rawlings did set fire to his own government-assigned residence at Ridge in Accra. The Rawlingses' house was gutted by fire on the evening of 14th February, 2010, when most Ghanaians including the Rawlingses were ubiquitously celebrating the Valentine Day. Could not Lady Rawlings Agyemang Konadu and her daughter, Yaa Asantewaa, have been so enthralled by the Valentine festive to be oblivious of the looming fire hazard? Could they not out of negligence have set the house ablaze? I have asked them various questions in my previous writings and I am still waiting on them for answers. The provision of the answers could help me make a well informed decision on how their house came to burn.

Anyway, this Judge who is continually proving himself a joke with each adjournment of the case has once more defied common sense and legal expertise to postpone the case to 8th July 2010. This time, he offered another flimsiest excuse as his reason for adjourning the case. He claims there was a miscommunication of date for the hearing of the case. As the Prosecution team assumed they were required to attend court on the 9th June, 2010, the Defence lawyers were informed of a date of 8th June 2010. The Defence team with Nana Darkwah did attend court hoping for a hearing of the case but only to be dejected by the observable absence of the Prosecution team on the excuse as stated above. I had earlier written in an article about the 8th June 2010 date so one wonders how and why this so called miscommunication. It is another trick being played by the Prosecution team to delay the case. Instead of swallowing their pride to come out boldly to declare that they have no legal basis and enough convincing evidence to successfully prosecute Nana Darkwah, they have rather chosen the path of derogation and lies.

For how long is the Judge going to keep adjourning the case always on request by the Prosecution team? The Prosecution team has no compelling evidence to prosecute Nana Darkwah Baafi. As it is very difficult and unconventional to ride a cart with it placed before the horse, so it is hard to prosecute the accuser rather than the accused. Rawlings initially standing as the accused should have been interrogated, arrested and charged where all pointers are found convincing that he did deliberately or inadvertently burn his own house. Being the usual strongman-monster whose presence, sighting, and mere mentioning of his name sends chill up the spine of many, nobody dared confront him. The coward policemen hurtled to arrest the accuser when ordered by one Kofi Adams, the inimical Spokesperson for Rawlings.

I insist that Rawlings is questioned about the cause(s) of the fire that gutted his residence. That notorious Kofi Adams alleges the Rawlingses could have volunteered information leading to the Fire Brigade establishing a more credible investigative report rather than the one presented to the public if the Rawlings had been contacted. Is this statement from the supposed intelligent Kofi Adams not enough clues to tell that the Rawlingses are very much aware of what was going on in their house that ignited the fire? The truth will out no matter how long you try to conceal it. It is not by the act of "boom boom" speeches, threatening behaviour, and disrespectfulness of the laws of the land that makes one intelligent. One is not wise who sees himself as the "King Kong" of Ghana and uses that opportunity to bulldoze others.

In a nutshell, Nana Darkwah Baafi is exonerated of all blame. The laws of Ghana have actually turned an ass with antlers on its head. Rawlings should be investigated. Nana Darkwah at worst should be a principal witness for the State in an event of Rawlings being prosecuted for arson. The Judge should have the balls to set Nana Darkwah free as he has done nothing wrong but expressing his views on how the Rawlinses' house came to burn. The prosecution team should do themselves a favour to withdraw any charges against Nana Darkwah as they will be senseless to prosecute him. They have not even the slightest legal basis to try Nana Darkwah hence their shameless incessant requests for adjournments based on flimsiest excuses. Where did this Judge have his schooling? Is he also a product of Legon University? I doubt it.

Let me help the Judge and the Prosecution team out of their shameless quagmire. I have to get Herbert Kwabena Amponsah Mensah, a close friend of the Rawlingses to intervene. I am doing this to save Ghana from being ridiculed any further by outsiders who see our Judges as incompetent, corrupt and nepotistic. They see Ghanaian judges as highly deficient of the decent application of the procedural rules of the laws in relation to prosecution or defence of a case. I am sick and tired of being ridiculed for being a Ghanaian all for the bestiality and senselessness of not only our corrupt politicians but also, some of our Law Court judges and the cropping out human monsters.

Herbert, for your information, Nana Darkwah is one of the great grandsons of Nana Kwame Basoah a.k.a Agya. You are also the grandson of Agya, the father of your father, Benjamin Amponsah Mensah (B.A. Mensah), the founder and the former owner of the Ghana Rothman's Cigarette Company which was unfortunately confiscated by the PNDC government. Nana Darkwah is related to you by the blood of Agya. I am going no further than this. For further information you can contact me on [email protected]. I wouldn't have disclosed this information if it had not to do with helping the confused and incompetent Judge with the Prosecution team out of the legal situation similitude of hard surface and rock in which they are sandwiched.

Rockson Adofo