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Opinions of Saturday, 22 September 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rawlings is Suffering from Indecision Syndrome

Former President Rawlings has of late become a victim of indecision. He is vacillating between throwing his weight behind his wife's newly formed National Democratic Party (NDP) and going with his NDC flow. The pain of his illness (indecision) is so excruciating that he does actually not know what remedy to apply to it.

In one breathe we see him espousing anti-NDC rhetoric purporting to drive voters away from them. In another instance, he is singing praises of caretaker-President John Dramani Mahama. There is no doubt President Mahama is as corrupt as those babies in NDC with Vampire teeth able to bite their way through when it comes to practicing graft. President Mahama and the entire NDC government as rightly observed by not only Rawlings, but also, all sensible Ghanaians, spearhead the corruption, which is deep in the NDC.

Former President Rawlings cannot act like a dog that eats its own vomitus. After exposing the entrenched corruption within the current NDC government that has laterally depleted the nation's coffers, brought untold hardships upon the people, how morally deficient he will be by requesting Ghanaians to vote for John Mahama and the NDC. The quest by the leaders of NDC to embezzle funds in the hope of getting rich quicker is so unprecedentedly gargantuan. In an event of Ghanaians making a mistake by voting the NDC and John Mahama for another four-year term in office, believe you me, Ghana will be very up for grabs by the NDC and their international accomplices. Alfred Agbesi Woyome will take entire Accra, sell it and abscond with the money to Togo.

The NDC are behaving so irresponsibly dirty like the proverbial stinking fish ("po anso mmadware") which, though lives in the sea, is still dirty and smells foul. With all the abundant seawater, the fish still smells. Similarly, with all the money and other things the NDC have stolen, they are still unprecedentedly perpetrating criminal acts of corruption. Look at the Yaw Boateng Gyangate scandal. The stench of NDC corruption is far worse than that of "po anso mmadware"

Mr Rawlings stands to redeem his image by having nothing to do with the NDC and John Mahama, that young visionless caretaker-President. He has more to gain by either going with NDP or sitting on the fence twirling his fingers completely absorbed in the thoughts of why at all he formed the NDC party.

Truth is paramount in every facade of human life on earth regardless the situation. Rawlings should stop dancing tango with the NDC in the vain hope of getting them fall for his gospel truth admonitions. Obstinate and thieves as the NDC leaders are, Rawlings can prostrate to them; weep and plead but they will not budge.

Mr Rawlings will have no convincing message to tell to Ghanaians should he throw his weight behind the NDC. John Mahama will dump him after December 7, 2012 election same as the late President Atta Mills shooed him out of NDC limelight. The wise saying I leave for Rawlings is, "once bitten, twice shy" A word to the wise is enough.

I invite all Ghanaians to a fundraising party the UK branch of the NPP are organising in support of the home NPP. The event will take place at The Dominion Centre, 9 Broadway High Road, Wood Green, London N22 6DS, on Saturday 22nd September 2012 from 7pm until daybreak. Hon. Kennedy Agyapong is the Guest Speaker. Come in your numbers to interact with all selfless farsighted Ghanaians who have Ghana at heart. Would you not prefer to meet Rockson to drink from his fountain of ever overflowing wisdom from his silver hair?

Rockson Adofo