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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Rawlings the Altruist Howls at Kufuor for…….

Rawlings the Altruist Howls Unceasingly at former President Kufuor for……. ?? ? ?The unpredictable and most irrational figurative dog once caged by Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the General Secretary of the NDC, has been set loose. He is once more back in the political arena barking and howling his usual boomerangs at former President Kufuor.

?One has simply to query in wonderment, if indeed former President Rawlings has always been 100% correct up in his brains when he comes out doing his nut. ?I find his never-ceasing attacks on former President Kufuor very unreasonable. It is out of sheer envy that Rawlings behaves so irresponsibly insulting towards Kufuor. His nineteen years of tyrannical rule in pursuit of ill-gotten wealth, hatred towards the Akans,with an aspiration to attain minority Ewe tribe supremacy is dwarfed by Kufuor’s eight year open and all tribes-embracing democratic rule hence, his madness and malevolence towards Kufour.?One would rather expect Rawlings to tackle the aimlessness, mediocrity and the corruption within the Mahama NDC government than to dwell needlessly firing unceasing attacks on Kufour. Is he scared of Mahama who has not the least respect for him? Ever since the late President Mills nominated him his Vice President to the utter disagreement of Rawlings, Mahama has stood his grounds against Rawlings, seeks to reduce him to "Mr Nobody" at any window of opportunity.

?If Rawlings cannot speak in condemnation of the dubious sale of the Merchant Bank to Fortiz, the roguish Supreme Court verdict on Election 2012, the official economy-ravaging corruption in perpetuation by Mahama and his government, just but to mention a few, then he had better shut his chirping beak up.?I hate to see a hypocrite claiming to be an altruist. Rawlings is as corrupt as Mahama and far worse corrupt than Kufour,if Kufour being a human being and in that sense a Ghanaian, was corrupt.?I shall add my voice to the on-going socio-politico-economic discourse once I regain my health. I am now taking it easy, giving myself time to recuperate fully from my illness. I shall come back stronger to stamp my foot and authority on some issues that may require my views. Until then, Rawlings should be caged by his master,Johnson Asiedu Nketia,and treated of his seeming insanity.?No one in Ghana wants to socialize with rabies infested dog in our current "Boys abre, girls ekasa" era. Has the dog been intentionally released to terrorise the rivals of the NDC to help cow them? We shall see how things turn out when I come back in full swing.?Rockson Adofo