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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Columnist: Musah Ibrahim

Re: Atheism and improbability of Jannah Part 3 of 4

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We continue to give convincing doctrinal evidence to make good points that God exists. We also reiterate that it is rational to believe that God exists.

But some people object to this view. One of the reasons for their objection is that God cannot be seen physically. There are many ways we can learn to know that God exists. We can learn to know that God exists when we avoid a prejudiced or biased mindset that denies God's existence.

Another situation worth addressing could be likened to people, who put the cart before the horse when they are dealing with religious matters. Beginners who attempt to study at the advanced level will not know anything. They lack the requisite knowledge to absorb what is being taught at that level. This is logical and it is the basic truth. They need to start learning from the basic level, as beginners, before they gradually proceed to know something at the advanced level.

In the same vein, some novices do not study theology at the primary stage. They place themselves in a very high and complex position, searching to know whether God exists or not. They finally come out to deny the existence of God unconvincingly.

Maintaining this awkward position will always let them live in a state of denial, thus rejecting God. Therefore God says, "And these examples We present to the people, but none will understand them except those of knowledge". (Sura Al-Ankabut, 29:43)

Let us look at some other statements Leo Igwe made and deal with them appropriately.

"I just returned from our World Humanist Congress in Copenhagen where I was reelected for another 3-year term ... In the next three years, I hope to work with leaders of various organizations .... We will explore ways to ensure that many more African humanists attend the congress in the future". (Culled from the article, " Let's get to work ....." of 1st Sep. 2023, GhanaWeb).

It is very obvious in the above statements that Igwe believes in the future. He believes in 'tomorrow', 'next year', etc. Let us make a critical analysis of the word 'tomorrow', for instance. In reality, 'Tomorrow' has never been tomorrow, but everybody knows that 'Tomorrow' exists. 'Tomorrow' has never appeared as tomorrow. It is a perception that always appears as 'Tomorrow', but in reality, it is 'Today'.

When we meditate objectively on this issue, we shall realize that 'Tomorrow' is not something we can see, but it is a conceptualization of an idea. Any time we wait until midnight for 'Tomorrow' to appear, what we behold is 'Today' but not tomorrow. The past, present, and future belong to time and time is derived from the movement of day and night.

God says, "And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible that you may seek bounty from your Lord and may know the number of years and the account [of time]. And everything We have set out in detail". (Sura Al-Isra, 17:12)

If you cannot see tomorrow or next year (ideas) and yet you believe that they exist, are you not being inconsistent if you cannot see God and believe that He does not exist?

If the 'ideas' have never told you that they exist and you believe that they exist, then we understand that God exists, because He told us that He created day and night out of which the 'ideas' emerged.

Atheists just argue to buy time for their continual rejection of God. If they mean what they say, why didn't they believe in some people who claimed to be deities? For instance, the Pharaohs and Naram-Sin of Akkad were seen by their people as gods. Also Christianity, especially the Pauline doctrine teaches about the triune godhead where Jesus Christ is presented as a god within the Trinity.

We are still scrutinizing Igwe's articles. In his article headlined, "Belief in demons, exorcism, ....", of August 19, 2023, he says, "In many cases, foreign religions of Christianity and Islam reinforce beliefs in witches and other supernatural imaginaries".

Igwe is just making a mountain out of a molehill. Any twisting of facts cannot project falsehood to become the truth. He lamented throughout his articles as if Islam is a foreign religion that has been exported to Africa to unleash havoc on Africans.

If Islam and Christianity are foreign religions, what about Atheism or Humanism? Is it not a foreign organization? Islam is a universal religion, which started from the Arabian peninsula. In any case, are Africans deprived of alienated or banned from professing a foreign religion or adapting to foreign cultures that, they see, are appealing to the mind?

Again, Igwe in his article entitled, "The treacherous notion of insulting religious sensibilities" of May 16, 2022, in the GhanaWeb stated: "In this piece, I want to reiterate the implausibility and unintelligibility of the treacherous notion of insulting religion. ..... Ideas should not be respected. Human beings should be respected".

"How does one expect an individual to respect a belief or a doctrine that he or she rejects? What does it mean to insult a belief that one thinks is mistaken, false, or untrue?"

"To be specific, how does one expect non-Muslims to treat the prophet of Islam with respect when they do not believe in his prophethood? How does one think that a non-Christian who is of the notion that Jesus never existed would treat Jesus with respect?" "That is not applicable. That is not healthy for society.

"Yes, that is not how religions operate".

"So insulting religious belief is part and parcel of the religious business. It is what religions do as a matter of fact. If anyone finds a view offensive or insulting, the person should challenge it, criticize it, ...."

Oh my God! This is incredible, isn't it? It is very strange to notice that Igwe who denounces religions, is now seen expounding his views on how religious practitioners must operate by tolerating insults among themselves because insult is a normal religious business. How could a leader offer such an explosive suggestion? Can this help to foster harmony among different disagreeable groups? Igwe, did you ever advise your fellow humanists to tolerate insult among themselves? Listen to your wise advice to them! "We may not agree to the minutest details on every issue. But I know we all agree on the need to grow the humanist community or fellowship."

Respecting human beings and ideas are both vital components of ensuring peaceful coexistence among people of different views and beliefs. Can you go to a country and say you respect their president but you don't respect the ideas in their constitution or flag or national anthem and you insult their state symbols as well? Is that what atheism teaches? To respect does not necessarily mean to believe. Mutual respect promotes peace and tranquility.

It is also not enough to advise that if anyone finds a view insulting, the person should criticize it. Constructive criticism must rather be encouraged and promoted. Insult must be out of the equation. God says, "Woe to every scorner and mocker". (Sura Al-Humazah, 104:1)

We are now going to dwell on Jesus Christ. But before we do so, let us contemplate on another issue of importance first, so that, it may support our point when we discuss Jesus Christ.

Everybody including Leo Igwe had ancestors dating back to 2,000 years ago and beyond. Igwe's lineage which lived and died around this period did not have any historical records, but Igwe still believes his forefathers had lived.

Let us now turn our attention to the story of Jesus Christ. Mary was a devout woman who miraculously gave birth to Jesus Christ. God told their story in the Qur'an as follows: "And [mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the world", and " O Mary, Indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]" (Sura Al-e-Imran, 3:42, 45).

Jesus Christ has performed many wonderful miracles. He started to talk when he was an infant in the cradle, see Qur'an 19: 29,30. He healed the sick and gave life to the dead by God's permission, see Qur'an 3:49. The Biblical account of Jesus Christ reads, "I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that you sent me. When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, " Lazarus, come out". The man who had died came out." (John 11: 42-44).

These are some of the beautiful accounts of Jesus Christ and we Muslims believe them. Even if Igwe does not believe that Jesus Christ ever lived after we have seen these documented pieces of evidence showing that he had lived, Igwe should not utter words that may allow his members to disrespect or insult Jesus.

Similarly, if they do not believe in the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it must not warrant the Prophet being insulted or disrespected. There is no compulsion in Islam (Qur'an 2: 256). People are converting to Islam in Europe America and other parts of the world without being forced to do so.

Leo Igwe, go by your words of "Human beings should be respected"!