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Opinions of Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Columnist: Ansah, Koduah Owusu

Re-Bawumia opens the hornet’s nest and ……

One Michael Bokor has the uncanny desire to attack, whitewash or debase intellectual facts that tend to erode peoples’ confidence in his beloved NDC government and party. In as much as he (Michael Bokor) has an inalienable right to join any political party of his choice even if it is based on total detestation of certain groups or individuals in Ghana, his academic training as a Doctor of Philosophy in English enjoins him to critically asses’ factual situations with academic eyes. If Michael wants to be like his old friends Kwasi Pratt or Tony Aidoo, his articles or features should indicate in the by-line that he is a spokesperson for the NDC party. Dr. Bawumia’s analyses were spot on and in simple every day English which can be understood by every ‘discerning’ Ghanaian. Our main problem in Ghana is that we are a nation that detests reading so we have half-baked literates/illiterates to do our bidding for us. If majority of Ghanaians had read Dr. Bawumia’s speech or other speeches made by our politicians on either side of the political aisle, I believe people like Dr. Bokor would not have wasted our eyes and ears on his response to this splendid presentation. Economics is about statistics, yet the gentleman’s (Bawumia) analyses or speech did not dwell on raw statistics as Michael would want the world to believe. It’s not surprising that Michael’s specialty is in semantics. He is not ‘fixated on raw statistics/mathematics’ as he rightly put it. Any Ghanaian with a high school mathematics, I am pretty sure would understand what Dr. Bawumia wanted to put across. In simple terms, if the economy is doing well why are interest rates so high, and prices of goods and services so unstable? The government should respond to these and try to fix these to make our country better. Why would budgetary allocation to our ministries be less than the amount of monies paid as judgment debts and who is running our country. I read his speech in a pdf. File mode (and no one can ‘doctor’ it like Haruna Iddrisu) and nowhere did he impugn the integrity of the Statistical Service. He even called for the service to be adequately resourced. Dr. Bawumia’s continual harping of Kufuor’s government achievements are all part of politics and that should be the duty of a party in opposition. I would wish Michael to refer to some of his initial articles he made on the NPP government and former president Kufuor when the NDC was in opposition. He dropped his academic gown and insulted the former president as a thief and moron and nobody questioned because we all cherished and continue to cherish freedom of speech though our printable words should be decent. I hope you now realize that wishes are not horses and it takes a great deal of knowledge, courage and innovation to govern a country. You are a doctor of English and your party is in power, yet our educational system is now down to its knees, kids with BASIC education in Ghana presently do not even know how lethal mosquitoes are. A visit to our communities would show how filthy our environment has become. The whole country is presently engulfed in filth and dust and Bokor’s party wants every Ghanaian to be illiterate so that they can use propaganda to win elections. By the way let me tell you one thing Dr. Michael Bokor if you have thought about it: The media (Peacefmonline, Joyonline, Mordenghanaonline etc.) on which you post your features/articles have been set up by hardworking intelligent entrepreneurs, and if you want to advertise or sell your books, pay for advertised space and stop this dishonest practice of undercutting these wonderful entrepreneurs. This is below the belt and at least shows us your intellectual ‘acumen’ This is CHEAP and please wise up. I am not surprised you belong to a party that always rides on people’s fame to achieve success. You guys have done that to President Rawlings and you should be ashamed of yourself. Come again ‘Englishman’

Koduah Owusu Ansah; [email protected]

Denver, Colorado

PS. Koduah holds a MS degree in Landscape Horticulture from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, US