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Opinions of Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Columnist: Ankah, Desire Lorlornyo

Re: Chiefs of Adaklu reject President’s nominee for DCE

We, the Concern Citizens of Adaklu, wish to respond to the rumpus over the appointment of the District Chief Executive for the newly created Adaklu District by certain individuals and a local (Sub) chief of Adaklu Anfoe, who are grumbling about the newly appointed DCE Mr. Maxwell Hini-Yao Gbakah even before he takes office.
This retrogressive characteristic has the potential of derailing the smooth takeoff of the newly created district and hence adversely affecting the economic growth and the overall wellbeing of the people of Adaklu.
While the progressive ones are thinking of how they can help the newly created district takeoff smoothly to enhance the quality of life of the people of Adaklu, there are those individuals either out of their selfish means or unfounded dislike are putting, once again, the reputation and the mentality of the people of Adaklu into disrepute.
First for the records Togbe Agbobada is a sub-chief of Adaklu Anfoe but not a “Senior Divisional” Chief as stated by Joy FM. The Adaklu Traditional Area, one of the largest traditional areas in the Volta Region, comprising of 45 towns, villages and hamlets is bounded on the East by Agortime and Ziope; on the South by the Akatsi and North Tongu Districts and on the West and North by the Ho Municipal and covers an area of approximately one thousand sq. kilometers (1,000sq km).
The people of Adaklu are being led by Togbega Gbogbi Atsa V and his 3 Divisional Chiefs namely Togbe Krakani, Togbe Lablulu Tegbeza and Togbe Agbi and their various sub chiefs, which Togbe Agbobada is part off (a sub chief).
Hence (although Togbe Agbobada has the right to express his own opinion and that of his subjects) he is in no position to express the collective opinion of the Chiefs and people of The Adaklu State and must desist from such acts. Therefore the headline “Chiefs of Adaklu reject President’s nominee for DCE” is utterly incorrect and misleading. Though Togbe Agbobada’s outburst is rooted in a historical occurrence/event (which all Adaklu people have long put behind them and moved on most especially with the creation of the Adaklu District), to target the personality of Mr. Gbakah is not only unfounded but appalling, vindictive and retrogressive since Mr. Gbakah as an individual never did anything that undermined the Adaklu State during this event/occurrence.
The process of selecting a DCE for the newly created Adaklu District (at the traditional level) was conducted in a transparent and very professional manner by Togbega Gbogbi Atsa V and his 3 Divisional Chiefs who deserve commendation. Five prominent citizens of the Adaklu State namely Eric Kodzo Moon, Billy Akorli, Harry Akabi, Samuel Atormmy Dorfe and Maxwell Hini-Yao Gbakah, put themselves forward for consideration to serve the people. Each of these candidates had the opportunity to present their case to the chiefs and the people of the great State of Adaklu and went through the vetting process through the regionals to the national before a final appointment was made by President John Dramani Mahama. Togbe Agbobada as a citizen of Ghana, as stipulated by the Constitution could have abdicate his throne and come forward for consideration, if he so wishes. He has not done that neither did he raise any objection to the candidature of Mr. Gbakah. Why wait to stir controversy at this time? Once a person is selected and/or elected, we have to put all differences behind, rally together and move forward, these are the basic tenets of democracy!
Adaklu therefore is not ready for any divisiveness at this time. Adaklu is blessed with a vast land and many potential tourist attractions like mountains, caverns, game reserves etc. It is therefore in our bigger interest to come together as one people with everyone contributing their quota to the total development of the area and Ghana for that matter.
When we, the people of Adaklu play our cards well, we can attract a lot of investment both foreign and local into the area to harness the numerous resources lying fallow for the development of the area and the benefit of our people. In fact Adaklu district has the potential of being self-dependent and self-sustaining, without necessarily looking up to the central government to undertake development projects considering the potential of the area. This is the vision we should have for the new district not unnecessary bickering.
We therefore urge you, fellow Gbekors, to eschew all differences, rally behind our new district and the Chief Executive for a better Adaklu State. Also we entreat the Paramount Chief, Togbega Gbogbi Atsa V and his distinguish Divisional Chiefs to call a press conference as matter of urgency, clear the air and invite all Gbekors to participate in the smooth takeoff of the District.
Thank you and God Bless the people of Adaklu State.
God Bless Ghana
Gbekor: Dagbe Neva!!!
Desire Lorlornyo Ankah,
Concern Citizens of Adaklu(CCA)
[email protected]