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Opinions of Monday, 7 March 2022

Columnist: Victor Payne

Re: Ghana@65 milestone and why Nkrumaism matters

Ghana's first president, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Ghana's first president, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

Comrades and Compatriots,

"Ghana, your beloved country is free forever", as proclaimed by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah on March 6, 1957, still rings in my ear. I can picture the teeming crowd at the old Polo Grounds caught in the ecstatic frenzy of joy as Kwame delivers to wild cheers, "Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation and unification of the African continent.....and I want to quote Hon. Marcus Garvey, who said he wanted to found a government of the Black Man.....Marcus Garvey did not succeed but today Marcus Garvey's work has bourn fruition...." Nkrumah's historic words are on the cover of the latest edition of "BLACK HISTORY BOOK" published by DK Books, a division of Penguin/Random House.

After lowering the Colonialist Union Jack flag and raising the new flag of Ghana, the Armed Forces Band struck the new Ghana national anthem; among the words explaining the national colours, Red for the bloodshed in liberation struggle, Gold/Yellow for the wealth (Human/Natural resources capital), Green for economic productivity and abundance out of the land of our birth, and a Black Star representing triumphal Black Race globally against forces of colonial racist imperialists. The energetic throng burst into singing the Convention Peoples Party's victory song:

...."There is victory for us, there is victory us ....
In the struggles of the CPP, there is victory for us ...
Forward ever, backwards never; in the struggles of the CPP
There is victory; Freedom!!

In my photogenic mind, veterans of the Young Pioneer Movement, CPP loyalists, and revolutionary pan Africanists will gather at the holy grounds now occupied by the Nkrumah Memorial Garden at the same Old Polo Grounds to enact the Kwame Nkrumah independence speech plus assert the heroic struggle against colonialism, neo-colonialism and racist Anglo-American-Franco-Zionist imperialism in Ghana and rest of Africa.

Ghana's neo-colonialist puppet regime of Nana Akuffo-Addo and reactionary NPP cronies must be the target of the anti-neocolonialist revolution guided by Nkrumaist leadership and ideology.

Ghana today is a sad case scenario of a revolutionary pan-African vision sabotaged by the axis of Anglo-American-Franco-Zionist racist imperialists with the tacit complicity of Neo-colonialist Puppets Party(NPP) of Akuffo-Addo, John Kufuor, Alan Kyerematen, Osafo Marfo, Ken Agyapong etc playing imperialist stooges to Ghana's detriment.

The commanding heights of Ghana's economy in oil drilling, gold mining, automobile manufacture, hospitality industry, industrial manufactures, retail, insurance, banking and finance are all foreign-dominated via financial capital.

Ghana's foreign debt is more of a mortgage to neo-colonialist interest. The once-great airline of Africa, Ghana Airways, established under Nkrumah as well as the Black Star Line to save Ghana $Billions in shipping and air freight costs are non-existent.

All the jobs to Ghanaian workers tied to these economic ventures were lost due to political sabotage of racist imperialists and the comprador class of UP/NPP tradition. Nana Addo is an imperialist stooge and corrupt; the mother serpent of corruption in Ghana. Nana Akuffo and NPP have been exposed and must be defeated to save Ghana. This is why Nkrumaist ideas matter in Ghana today on the 65th independence anniversary.

All over the African continent is the handwork of economic and political sabotage by the enemies of African freedom. The regional conflicts and tensions are draining African wealth resources plus human suffering. The phenomenon of neo-colonialism must awaken Africans to struggle for real freedom political and economic. Nkrumah articulated for pan African unity via a functional continental government to retard post-independent racist imperialist aggression.

Africans must unite, Ghanaians must unite to fight neo-colonialism, the last stage of imperialism in Africa. Nkrumah's vision and ideas were revisited by the MONTHLY REVIEW publishing group this month as Nkrumah really matters in Ghana and African liberation thought and action.

On this 65th independence day milestone, may the sewn pan Africanist revolutionary spirit by Nkrumah, Garvey, Sankara, and Gaddafi lead us to victory while we also sing:

.....there is victory for us in the struggles of Africa

forward ever ,backwards never!!