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Opinions of Sunday, 24 January 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Re: Ghana facing minor challenges – Duffuor

As I was whiling away my time this evening, at around 18:00 GMT, Thursday 21 January 2016, scrolling through the news items on Ghanaweb under their General News of Thursday, 21 January 2016, I chanced upon an interesting publication. This said publication was titled, "Ghana facing minor challenges – Duffuor"

I took time to read the entire publication, a very short one of course. However, the comments made about the views expressed by Dr Kwabena Duffuor relating to the challenges confronting Ghana were many, and extremely appalling.

Most of the commentators were not only disgusted at his views but also, were very insulting.

From the publication, he is alleged to have said, "I have been observing what is happening in our country now and I would be very honest with you, Ghana is a very great country, it is a very special country and what we are going through now to me are minor challenges which must not disturb our forward march to development" – The underlying web link takes you to the full story.

I am not going to be judgmental but rather, going to expound on the views expressed by Dr Duffuor. No, I had better not, but instead, I must explain it in a very simple term with a few questions asked.

Are the challenges facing Ghana caused by natural disasters like flooding, outbreaks of deadly diseases, fires caused by lightning, famine etc.? No, they are mostly not.

What then are the causes of the teeming problems facing Ghana and Ghanaians?

The challenges facing Ghana are caused by the negligence on the part of Ghanaians to hold our current leaders accountable. The current leadership is corrupt to the core.

President Mahama is incompetent, corrupt, and overly tribal in the appointment of his "square peg in round holes" Government Ministers and Deputy Ministers. He lacks foresight, but wields absolute power which he exercises in absolutely incomprehensible, if not stupid, manner.

It is by Ghanaians sitting on our lap watching, doing practically nothing, that Ghana has come to face the numerous challenges in which she is near-inextricably engulfed or almost deeply entrenched.

On the basis of the challenges being man-made that can be dealt with at the crack of the fingers, yes, Dr Duffuor is right to qualify them as minor. They are minor because once the person or the people causing them are gotten rid of, the problem will be half solved. Then with competent persons at the helm of the country's affairs, the other half will be solved in no time.

Ghanaians have a collective responsibility to solve the challenges for ourselves and the generations yet unborn as asserted by Dr Duffuor.

We have to use our "kokromoti" (thumb) power to get rid of the unprecedentedly corrupt President ever seen in the annals of Ghana's politics. Once we get rid of him and hold him to account for his stewardship to Ghana as a President for four years, all the minor problems will start solving by themselves.

Once problems can be solved that quick, no matter how gigantic and scary they appear, they can well be said to be minor.

If you have the slightest disbelief, I shall only invite you to join me in voting AGAINST President Mahama and the NDC in the upcoming 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections to see if the challenges facing Ghana will not automatically start to be solved.

Finally, please be aware from today forward that Dr Duffuor did not sign the documents that enabled Alfred Agbesi Woyome to dupe Ghana to the tune of GHC51.2 million. What about the other judgment debt payments, one may ask?

What can you do if a court orders you to effect a payment or carry out a task? You can only appeal the decision if you feel it is not in order. What do you do when the most senior government lawyer (the Attorney General) in which case it was Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu, is in agreement with the court order to you to make a payment as it was the case with Woyome, the Ghanaian swindler of the 21st Century?

Please, do not grind Dr Duffuor in "apotowea", courtesy of Opana Mahama, for telling Ghanaians the truth.

The challenges are brought about by President Mahama and his myopic government through their intrinsic acts of CORRUPTION and INCOMPETENCE!

Chase Mahama out. Bring in Nana Akufo Addo and all the minor problems will scuttle off like a frightened dog with its tail tucked in-between its hind legs.

Rockson Adofo
(Written on Thursday, 21 January 2016)