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Opinions of Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Columnist: Mustapha Abdul-Hamid

Re: Mustapha Hamid to resign?

Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, has denied suggesting that he has been sidelined and intends to resign Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, has denied suggesting that he has been sidelined and intends to resign

I write in response to your story of today 25th July 2017 with the above headline.

Your story, which is purported to have been culled from the Al-Hajj newspaper, alleges that I plan to resign as Minister for Information and Presidential Spokesperson. This is a figment of the writer's imagination. I have at no time harboured any such thoughts.

I am totally happy with my job and I am happy to contribute my quota to the fortunes of the Akufo-Addo government. I serve at the pleasure of the President and until he decides otherwise, I intend to be Minister for Information and Presidential Spokesperson for as long as it takes.

Having said that, it is important to caution about propagating unsourced stories.

I thought that a news story is an event that has been enacted. How does a thought (that which is in somebody's mind) constitute a story? I also thought that "there is no art to find the mind's construction on the face." How the Al-Hajj newspaper reads what people have in their minds is baffling.

As for the fabrication about my deputies disrespecting me, it is laughable.

I can say with absolute confidence that I am arguably the minister, most respected by his deputies. The camaraderie amongst us is not like anything I have known in my entire life.

We have become more than work mates. We are brothers and sister to one another.

You will recall that at the recent National Policy Summit, I said publicly that I have very wonderful deputies and expressed my indebtedness to the President for giving me such wonderful deputies.

I hope this sets the record straight and sets the hearts of my well wishers at ease.

Mustapha Abdul-Hamid

(Minister for Information and Presidential Spokesperson)