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Opinions of Saturday, 27 July 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Re: My wife is a prostitute – MP yells in public

? I am really taken aback by the harshest and most disgraceful criticism and public ridicule of a wife by his own husband or boyfriend. The husband or boyfriend is no less a person than the NDC Member of Parliament for Afram Plains South, Joseph Appiah Boateng.

? The MP at his court trial for assaulting his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, Nancy Nyakotey, narrated to the Court in part as following: "his wife was practicing prostitution in Australia where they met and registered their relationship". In the course of their co-habitation, they were blessed with a male child by God.

? Joseph Appiah Boateng comes to Ghana, joins the NDC party, wins an election as a Member of Parliament, finds a more succulent damsel with everything that a husband would expect in a woman, abandons Nancy, and goes for the new love, Patience Akpa.

? This uncivilized man screams in the forecourt of the Court after the Court sitting on Tuesday 23 July 2013,saying, "Which man would be interested in marrying a prostitute like you, with all the many women in Ghana?" To the bewilderment of the people around, he was reported to be shouting his voice hoarse saying repetitively, ‘ashawo’.

? For this public display of "bush attitudes" by the MP, I recommend that the Court finds him guilty, if indeed, he did assault his ex-girlfriend as he prefers to address her. Was he not "ashawo" when he met her in Australia to enter into that relationship pact with her? Was she not still an "ashawo" when he penetrated her to have a child by her?

? When he was eating her bearded meat while in Australia, could he not tell she was an "ashawo" until he came to Ghana, got elected as MP and met his new lovebird, Patience Akpa?

? I find the behaviour of the MP very ludicrous. He has won a parliamentary seat so he now finds his ex-girlfriend an ugly illiterate, unbefitting for an MP’s wife. If this is his reason, why cannot he say so but goes to the extent of saying nonsense about his wife?

? If he knew she was a prostitute when she entered into that relationship with her, slept with her, had a child by her but now turns his back on her for what he knew previously, then the Court and the gods must be his judge.

? He is a disgrace. His constituents should take note that Joseph Appiah Boateng is uncivilized enough to represent them in Parliament.

? For detail story, please read "My wife is a prostitute – MP yells in public" under the Ghanaweb General News of Wednesday, 24 July 2013.

? Rockson Adofo