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Opinions of Monday, 16 May 2022

Columnist: Dr Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Re: ‘NPP petitioned to Germany branch Chairman’

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My attention has been drawn to an article authored by one Alhaji Suleman under the caption:

‘NPP GERMANY PETITIONED TO GERMANY BRANCH CHAIRMAN’ which appeared on GhanaWeb on May 12, 2022.

Normally, I do not respond to such poorly-written and badly-edited write-ups by people who know very little about the ethics and standards of Journalism. However, I have decided to respond to this defamatory article which for all intent and purposes seeks to damage my hard-earned reputation, image, and good standing.

As a practising Journalist for nearly two decades, I can state without any equivocation that pictorial accompaniment is an integral part of any news item, feature article, or editorial.

In this respect, the deliberate decision by the said Alhali Suleman to include my picture to tell his story in the said publication is defamatory both in fact and in Law.

By the inclusion of my photo, I have become part of the story/news item which I find distasteful, offensive, and unacceptable.

Since my relocation to Ghana in 2018 to take up a lectureship at the GIMPA Law School, I made a conscious effort to stay away from the pettiness and the often outright stupidity that has characterised NPP Politics in Germany. That is why I find it rather reprehensible and unacceptable for the likes of Alhaji Suleman to drag my name and reputation into the infantile and needless internal wrangling of NPP Germany.

I am by this rejoinder demanding an unqualified apology and immediate withdrawal of my photo from the said publication within three (3) working days. Failure to do so would leave me with no option but to initiate a civil proceeding against the author (Alhaji Suleman) and the Publishers of GhanaWeb.