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Opinions of Friday, 27 June 2014

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice

Re: Sissala East DCE, this is My Peace of Advise to you

My brothers and sisters, I share totally indifferent views with extreme anger and highly disgusted about some of the points in this write-up " Mr. Sissala East DCE, this is my Piece of Advice to You" by Fusieni Abdul Fatawu. Initially, I resolved not to comment on it because I agreed with some of the issues raised in the write-up.
First and foremost, whilst I must commend and thank you for such a write-up and will justly in the way register where I disagree with some of the assertion raised. On the issue of corruption, I doubt your ability to fighting it postulated by Fusieni Abdul Fatawu without giving examples. You should have at least stated one example that initiated your doubt about his ability to tackle corruption. Your failure to give an example to this analysis is most unfortunate. Trying to put his name in the mud as someone who can't iron out corrupt practice in his administration is not a civilise criticism. At least you had the opportunity to work with him during his tenure of office as the headmaster of Kansec you should have known better to state one example rather than this your open statement. As you are aware we are not more in a stone age or era that you often say something without evidence to back your point to make it more concrete and more professional. Mr. Fatawu as a polling station secretary of the main opposition party (NPP) you should have tried to state facts in support of your augment in that nobody will read different meaning to it.
Again, on the issue of religion, you stated that the DCE hatred of Islamic religion without giving even one mere example on that aspect too. Be a little bit fair in your analysis. In as much as we all can't belong to the same religion doesn't make someone to hate the growing of a religion that she or he doesn't practice. Some of us, our friends, parents and mentors happen not to be part of the religion we practice so doesn't it mean that they don't want the development of others religion?. Mr. Fatawu as a Muslim doesn't it make you hate development of Christian religion?.

Seemingly, your title Mr. Sissala East DCE, address to a person of prominence in that manner is disrespectful. Despite he being the DCE, He was equally your headmaster as well as your former boss. My Dear DCE, would be appropriate so I'm equally not impressed with your choice of diction used which appears rather offensive to a person of authority though I stand to be corrected. It is very wrong and unacceptable for you to address Hon. Johnson Sabor in that manner as an intellectual. My candid advise to you as a blood relative, don’t let people think otherwise about your criticism of Hon. Johnson. For instance, you have an implacable relation with your former boss and tag some of them as imprudent. Some of your analysis are vague and with all due respect the least said about it the better. Let us be circumspect as posterity cometh to judge us all.

Written by Prince Justice Ali: Director of Communications of Young Democrats