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Opinions of Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Columnist: Anita Frimpong

Re-registration of government vehicles exercise launch

Hon.Dzifa A. Attivor, Minister of Transport and his entourage has today launched the re-registration exercise of all Government vehicles to ensure a judicious application of Government expenditure specifically on the utilization of Government vehicles as part of Government’s desire to prudently manage public resources.
She said the Re-registration exercise is one of a number of regulatory measures government has decided to implement to promote the efficient and economic use of Government vehicles. Meanwhile other measure include the allocation of official ve3hicles and use of fuel, maintenance of vehicle assets registration and preparation and implementation of appropriate internal policies and procedures to regulate the use of all Government, project vehicle.
Mrs.Attivor lamented that the exercise is a national one in which the Government has fully committed itself to ensure complete success in view of the benefit that will accrue to the nation when fully completed.
She said the exercise is being handle by the Driver and Vehicle License4ing Authority DVLA inasmuch as all needed enquiries concerning the re-registration would be made available at all DVLA office throughout the country.
She said involment of the exercise include ,Issuance of a new number plate with green background, the number of the vehicle in white letters embossed on the plate which include ,A ,GV., prefix identifying that the vehicle belongs to Governmeny6,the year of registration of the vehicle as suffix, a code identifying the Ministry, Department and Agency that the vehicle belong and a code identifying regional coordinating councils,metropolitan,municipal and district Assemblies to which the vehicle belongs.
She mentions categorically that the exercise is divided into four faces which will run in all region and it is expected that within the next five months all Government vehicle will be re- registered with the GV prefix.
This exercise she said is applicable to vehicles belongings to Ministries, Department, Agencies MDA,s whether on Government budget sub-venation or not, regional coordinating councils RCC,metropolitan,Municipal and District Assemblies and will also affect future registration of Government vehicles.