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Opinions of Thursday, 19 February 2015

Columnist: Addo, Maxwell Okamafo

Reasons why overzealous Nana Addo remains perpetually unelectable Ghana’s President still exists today like late JB Danquah

Maxwell Okamafo Asamani Addo

Overzealousness, extremism, fanaticism etc I conjecture are different words that convey similar meaning. Linguistically, they signpost negativity and strike a discordant note. In real life context also, their manifestation if not contained, can destroy any society, damage relationships, create unnecessary divides, humiliate, embarrass and mislead. That is exactly what the NPP is doing.

The overzealous agents like the NPP and Nana Addo thrive in crisis like the current energy situation today. Every day, they pray that Ghana’s energy problem would not be solved, so that they take advantage of it for their electoral fortune.

The overzealous politician is so crude, never pragmatic and roams like a masquerade without encumbrance.
In the thinking of the NPP, the end justifies the means at all times. They come like zonal champions, petty and bigoted and are sycophants and vociferous aides who are often louder than a thunderstorm and always praying for evil to dwell on our land.
They are those that cry more than the afflicted but watch them when it is time to eat and drink; they will let you know that nevertheless, they are very conscious of what they are doing. It is therefore clear that the overzealous whether for or against you easily collapses like a pack of cards under intense pressure.
Ghanaians can never count on them and because they are chameleonic and hypocritical, they will fail you when you need them most.
Remember Peter, the overzealous apostle and how he cursed and swore in denial of Jesus until the cock crew.
Remember the overzealous Judas Iscariot who betrayed his master. What of the overzealous suicide bombers who are ready to blow up themselves for another person’s gain? That is how they would betray the nation Ghana when elected into office.
As the 2016 general election is drawing near and political activities are already getting feverish, care must be taken by the politicians. Especially the lies and use of abusive language by the NPP on President Mahama..
Currently the NPP contestant thus Nana Addo is allowing their overzealous cronies and hangers-on to heat up the polity unnecessarily by attacking president Mahama without facts.
While political affiliations and interests may differ, in brotherhood we should stand and always speak the truth to Ghanaians and should also not change history or distort the history of Ghana
Quote from Nana Akuffo Addo at a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the passing of Dr JB Danquah: if JB Danquah, a key figure in Ghana’s liberation movement were alive today, he would campaign for the removal of the NDC government because the poor level of governance that existed then, still exists today.
But Nana Akuffo Addo should also know that the reasons why he was rejected at the polls for various reasons. Between then and now nothing has changed in the fundamental reasons, for which he was previously rejected that existed then, still exists today.
The essential attributes of Nana Addo that caused his earlier electoral rejections by Ghanaians that existed then; still exists today
All attempts by his handlers have been in overdrive trying to package him, so that he becomes presentable to the Ghanaian masses that existed then. Still exists today.
The discerning Ghanaian mentality not to vote for someone with the i was (Born to Rule) attitude and take over Nkrumah’s Ghana that existed then, still exists today.
Enough of deliberate lies and deceit by the main opposition Party NPP designed to heat up the polity of this county by distorting history.
If Ghana is destroyed, history will not forgive them. If the nation is set ablaze, their progenies will live to pay the price of destroying the nation.
The 2016 flag bearer of the NPP recently at During a lecture to commemorate a controversial 50th anniversary of J.B Danquah, the NPP Flagbearer paid glowing tributes to what he claimed was the heroic achievements and ideologies of Dr. J.B Danquah which he allegedly truncated between the country's two famous political traditions and distorted a lot of history about Dr Kwame Nkrumah like he’s doing to President Mahama now.
Nana should know that he’s a two-time NPP flag bearer and he’s not yet succeeded and would never succeed like his uncle JB who was rejected by Ghanaians in those days, for the records Nana Addo contested President J A Kuffuor and failed in all attempts when he was even told to wait,
All attempt designed to cow President Mahama ,blackmail the NDC and lay the ground for the rejection of the election results even if it is free and fair is their agenda and it won’t fly,
Nana Akufo Addo the NPP presidential candidate should know that currently he’s very hard to sell and except the majority of Ghanaians have become intellectually disabled and lacking in common sense it’s most likely going to remain so! The change Ghana needs has to come from genuine nation builders like Mahama and not People like Nana Addo who wants to always distort history.
Nana Akufo Addo was rejected at the polls for various reasons. Between then and now nothing has changed in the fundamental reasons, for which he was previously rejected, the only thing that has changed is that this time they are singing the songs of sorrow for their mentor JB Danquah at his 50th anniversary celebration.
At the Danquah 50th memorial lecture I saw an amalgam of much respected politicians whose love for Nana Addo and his distortion in Ghana’s history growing wilder than that of a bush fire in a dry season.
I see that nothing has changed in the essential attributes of Nana Addo that caused his earlier electoral rejections which I think he must bow out but today, we know that Nana Addos character and persona has and remains a problem for very good reasons. It is not for nothing that his handlers have been in overdrive trying to package him, so that he becomes presentable to the Ghanaian masses.
It has emerged that Justice Edward Akufo-Addo, the father of Nana Akufo-Addo, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) had once tried and declared the late father of the Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, the former Chairman of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) a terrorist.
This is despite the spirited attempt by NPP to vilify, Ghana’s first President, Dr Kwame Nkrumah for allegedly Witch-hunting and imprisoning some members of the famous “Big-six” who were instrumental in Ghana’s independence.
History tells us that “It was Akufo-Addo’s own father who tried Obetsebi Lamptey and came to the conclusion that Obetsebi Lamptey is a leader of a terrorist cell and decided that he probably deserves to be in prison and imprisoned him; not Kwame Nkrumah”,
His attempt to distort history would not help them because Even J B Danquah at the Legislative council was a nominee of Akyem Abuakwa people, history tells us that he tried several elections but never won one , so would want to tell Nana not to breed a rabid tribalism and must have respect for the nations diversity.
Also looking at the age of Nana Addo clearly, will not be in the interest of Ghana if he emerges President. At this juncture, we need to emulate progressive countries like the United States and United Kingdom which have never elected a president above 70 years of age since the inception of democracy in their countries. So far the oldest person ever elected as the US president was Ronald Reagan at the age of 68.
“The NPP does not wish the country well, or else why would the party be agitating for the election of a 72-year-old man. In a world, where a life-changing protest for democratic change, the demand for free and fair democracy without Chinese interference was led by a 17-year-old boy in Hong Kong, NPP is threatening to inflict a 73-year-old grandfather on Ghanaians as president.
“Do you realise that the major search engines and social networks of the world, like Google (1998), Yahoo (1994), Ebay (1995), Facebook (2004) and Alibaba were all founded by young people less than 40years?
The Singaporeans are not asking Lee Kwuan Yu to come back. Malaysians are not asking Mahathir Mohamad to come back. The Americans are also not asking Bill Clinton,
The NPP presidential candidate has been going around campaign grounds vowing to fight corruption to a standstill. Has anybody cared to ask him how he would handle it?
One other issue that has dominated Nana Addos campaign is his planned economic policy. He has been going about distorting Mahama’s economic performance. Nana has been saying Mahama should be held responsible for the decline in the value of Cedi. This is not true. I am sure most Ghanaians understand what is happening in the world today. The depreciation in the exchange rate is a worldwide phenomenon fuelled by the fall in oil prices and other elements of the increasing global economic and security challenges. Hardest hit are most African countries.
We also need to look at what is happening in Russia and other places. In just a year, the Russian rubbles lost 40 per cent of its value. The Venezuelan currency even lost more than that. The interesting thing about these countries is that they are not calling for the crucifixion of their leaders, rather, they are supporting them with an understanding that the gale will pass away.