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Opinions of Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Columnist: Frefre, Nana Poku

Reinstate Hon Ayikoi Otoo

We are reliably informed that the immediate past Chair of the Constitutional Committee of our party, Hon Ayikoi Otoo was relieved of his post in a very undeserving and befitting fashion or manner. This is alien to our party, a party that prides itself as the most democratic political party in the country, and this could be seen in the way the party has conducted its affairs since its formation in 1992.

We are therefore appalled and deeply disturbed about the way and manner he was replaced. We believe it could have been done in a proper manner even if he needs to be replaced as the Chair of that particular committee.

We are also aware that the Steering Committee nominated Hon Otoo for a second term but some leading members within the party conspired and influenced his replacement, a move inspired by a certain perception that Hon Otoo supports one of the aspirants, Mr Alan Kyeremateng, which makes him a threat to their interest as the Head of the Constitutional Committee.

We believe it is a conspiracy to get rid of the Hon Otoo because of a perception that he is anti-Akufo Addo. We find this perception to be very ridiculous, because Hon Otoo as a party elder has never ever in any way involved himself with this needless and disgraceful game of extreme factionalism going on in the party. He has always proven to be very neutral, unbiased and firm in his convictions.

Assuming without admitting he supports a particular candidate, it must be considered as his democratic right and must not be unduly and unfairly punished for that. So we ask, is one’s eligibility and competence to be a Chair of any committee based on, or determined by his or her allegiance or support for a particular candidate? Where is the spirit of tolerance in the party?

These are the very things that we do to build unnecessary enmity, hostility, antagonism, animosity, rancor, antipathy and animus among leading members of our party which always create unhealthy rivalry and factionalism in the party.

It is thus imperative for those of us who hold the interest of the party at heart to stand up against the things we believe could hamper our chances come 2016 by standing up against any act of unfairness in the party regardless whoever the victim is. Building a strong and formidable party for the 2016 elections is not about individual interests, but the collective interest as a party.

We the youth of the party, are not in any way doubting or disputing the competence of the newly-appointed Chair, Prof Mike Ocquaye, however, we believe Hon Ayikoi Otoo has done enough to prove himself worthy and competent enough for a second term.

Hon Otoo is an embodiment of selfless devotion and inspiration to the youth of the party and the country at large. At least we can all recollect his spirited performance at the Supreme Court that helped our immediate past General Secretary escape a custodial sentence which could have even put a dent in the image of our great party. Moreover, he has proven to be competent enough for the position. It must also be noted that he has loyally served this party in various capacities.

We see this change as unnecessary and very needless, and therefore express our total displeasure. We also call for his reinstatement if possible for him to continue his good works for the party.

Long live PYTF!

Long live NPP!

Long live Ghana!!


Nana Poku Frefre
