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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Columnist: Manu, Nana Antwi

Rejoinder: Akwamuman Home Coming

The Yaa Ansaa Royal Family of Akwamu Traditional Area has observed that of late some TV, Radio Stations and some print media are announcing a Home Coming Summit at Akwamufie because the factions in the Akwamu Chieftaincy Affairs have smoked Peace Pipe.
The Yaa Ansaa Royal Family the custodians of the stool, wishes to inform the general public that this is a blatant lie and a falsehood calculated to mislead the public for the parochial interest of the Yaa Botwe House led by Nana Afrakomah II.
It would interest all those who care to know the truth, to visit the Eastern Regional House of chiefs at Koforidua where hearing comes off on the 6th November, 2012 on the Akwamu Dispute. The Ansaa Family wants to alert individuals and corporate bodies who intends to give tacit support and sponsorship this Home coming activities that their conduct is tantamount to contempt of court.
We are therefore advising them to restrain themselves from such a fruitless and provocative adventure to redeem their corporate image among Akwamus.
The Royal Yaa Ansaa Family would like to reiterate that the general public should dishonor the so-called Home Coming Invitation. To justify the dishonour, we wish to quote from paragraph two of Nana Amu Bekai and Nana Afrakoma’s letter to the Danish Ambassador of 14 March 2000 captioned ‘’Dubar At Akwamufie’’
It reads, ‘’ we humbly want to inform you that because of the chieftaincy dispute there is no congenial atmosphere to organize such a durbar and we don’t any trouble over there (Akwamufie)’’
The question we are asking the organizers and Nana Afrakomah II is what were the atmosphere then and the atmosphere today at Akwamu when lives and properties has been lost as a result of this dispute.
We are sorry that the media has not find it courteous as ethics demand by their profession to inquire from the Royal Yaa Ansaa Family whether the information provided by the organizers of the so-called home coming were truthful in their dealings or whether the press chose to take side hence throwing away their journalistic integrity to the dogs.
To set the records straight, the Royal Yaa Ansaa Family wishes to inform the public that there has not been any memorandum of understanding signed with the Yaa Botwe Family.
We further wish to state that we are not against the development of Akwamu and the returning of individual citizens to the home country after all that is their land birth. What we are against is the involvement of an unrecognized chief who is hailing himself as Omanhene. This so-called Omanhene, who lacks locus supported by Nana Afrakoma are the brains behind this adventure and the call by these persons should be discarded.

Nana Antwi Manu