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Opinions of Friday, 7 October 2011

Columnist: Bediako, Alexander

Rejoinder: Aseidu Nketia Buys 370,000 pounds House in UK

I note with grave concern the publication of an article on by a group calling itself The Forum for Probity and Accountability on Tuesday 4 October 2011. In that article my name has been criminally and maliciously used as the co-writer to make a claim that the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) one “Mr Johnson Aseidu Nketia” visited the UK and completed the purchase of a £370,000 five bedroom house at Perivale in West London.

I wish to state clearly that under no circumstance was I privy to any transaction involving the purchase of a property in the United Kingdom by any leader or leaders of the National Democratic Congress of Ghana or any branch of the NDC here in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

I completely condemn the use of my name to publish such an article or any other form of publication without my express knowledge and consent. Not only is this act illegal but also unethical.

By this statement I call on the publishers of to fully cooperate by withdrawing such a malicious publication notwithstanding their disclaimer. It is not in public interest to abuse the personality rights of an individual and his associations with individuals or groups of individuals.

I strongly believe in the right of every individual to free speech which includes the right to publish freely. But I also hold strongly to the duty of the individual to be responsible in pursuing the right to free speech.

I am counting on the fair judgment of not only those who patronise your website but also that of those who are responsible for the display of articles on your website.

My right to my persona is inalienable. That is what I will pursue beyond any failure of the publishers and or writers to duly recognise this.

Alexander Bediako

Member, National Democratic Congress UK/Ire Branch PR Team.