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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

Rejoinder:I'll provide 'one kenkey-one fish' daily- Alban Bagbin

Alban Gbagbin Alban Gbagbin

By Fadi Dabbousi Ok, so Alban Bagbin has been a member of parliament for a dozen years or more. He has finally woken up to the realisation that his constituents have been hungry ever since. But their miserable situation is a result of his continuous attempt to impoverish them all the more in order to maintain an iron grip on their fleshless necks that are snapping under the harshness of gross NDC fiscal misfortune, thus far, unhelped and uneased.

"One kenkey one fish" is certainly an insult to the faculty of every well-meaning member of Alban Bagbin's constituency. It is an insult to the integrity of the Ghanaian who strives hard to secure at least one square meal a day, rejecting handouts and cosmetic sympathy to be given charity.

That notwithstanding, "one kenkey one fish" is absolutely not doable, not because it cannot be afforded, but because an imp as this social mistake, Alban Bagbin, has failed in securing food for his constituents from the first day he was elected as MP many years ago.

Where he spoke with such nauseating flatulence, the insinuated mockery came flying right back into his shameless face. Mr Alban Bagbin, what Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is campaigning on are issues that your lot, and especially you, are bereft of. But sometimes we do not blame you because it would seem that your were not raised in a family of wise men like Nana Akufo-Addo.

Now let me explain to you, Bagbin, the inference from the messages of Nana Akufo-Addo. In all that was said, what we implied was that if we fixed infrastructure with a lot of skill that the NDC seriously lacks, set progressive development plans, enticed people, especially the youth, to go back to the rural areas to engage in farming and other fields of endeavour, Ghanaians would certainly be able to afford three square meals a day with no need for your "one kenkey and one fish" that has remained a mere propaganda tool to mislead the vulnerable in our society.

Not only did Alban Bagbin insult his constituents, he went further to suggest that they were not sensible and wise enough to benefit themselves no matter the support that may come their way. But he, really, should cover his nakedness especially that his lover secretary who was sexed by John Dramani Mahama in his own office spoke of his inability to satisfy her in bed. In very much the same manner, he cannot deliver on his "one kenkey one fish" due to his bankruptcy of the ethics.

Alban Bagbin and Henry Lartey (flagbearer of the GCCP) have turned their positions of influence into a contest of unfunny comedians and thick-blooded buffoons, the best they can achieve is plant welcome and goodbye signs at their constituencies as if there is anything worth the visit at all or claim Nana's one village one dam policy breeds mosquitoes. By the way, Dr Henry Lartey might as well consider a career in swatting mosquitoes because Nana's policy is inevitable come 2017, inshallah.

Constituted of a uselessly useless majority, the uselessness of the useless once-useful August Parliament House has made a resounding confirmation that it has lost its ability to maintain the honour that is proffered on it by a citizenry that is very much aware of the fact that, currently, the word "useless" is an appropriate description of the shame of NDC parliamentarians like Alban Bagbin, very few of who have remained honourable.

Unfortunately, in a bid to get favour from a useless President, such useless pedestrian MPs would go to all lengths to exhibit unstylish buffoonery the like of which is baffling even those officially certified with dunderheadedness.

Nana Akufo-Addo has come out with very workable policies pertaining to his passion to see Ghana work again. Yes, under an Akufo-Addo presidency Ghana shall work again! With agriculture shifting from NDC's current negative 2% to a sustainable growth of positive double figure percentages, one village one dam is a wise policy, and certainly doable.

In the same breath, relevant to localised production, one district one factory is a wise policy, and surely doable. Creating Development Authorities to cater for the welfare of the three belts of Ghana as promised by Dr. Bawumia is perfect to ensure systematic and manageable development that will reach the nooks and crannies of the country; and that is absolutely doable, too.

Mocking brilliant policies with a disgusting lack of decorum such as "vote for me, I will give one kenkey and one fish", depicts how foolish Alban Bagbin and his ilk are. That is the main reason why he will fall flat on his face when he loses his seat. The many insalubrious utterances of the NDC campaigners and John Mahama have spelled the defeat of the NDC quite poetically.

Someone once said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." We are well-advised by this saying and will never underestimate the NDC, their representatives and parliamentarians. #NDCWillLosePortor