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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Columnist: Annang, Jacob Adjei

Rejoinder: Kempes Ofosu Ware, TMA & Corruption

Dear Sir, I am writing this rejoinder to react to a petty and jealous mind supposedly bearing the tag JACOB ADJEI ANNANG yet giving off a RICHSTER AMARFIO aroma, who, only last week, chose to decorate the hard working honourable Paa Nii Kempes Ofosu Ware, Tema Municipal Chief Executive Officer's name with smelly and messy mud.

Aside the horde of vain allegations of unsuitability for the job, trumped-up charges of corruption and seeming incompetence sprayed on the MCE by that hideous infantile mind, the author quick-stepped into further stupidity by making inferences to bribery and arm-twisting claims he chose to babble in kindergarten crayon. To begin with the coward supplied names of supposed bribe takers and elected to stretch his stupidity as far as President JEA Mills by some crooked inference. The rogue inferred that the President must have collected some bribe before appointing Mr. Kempes Ofosu Ware to the present MCE office. Â Â What a twerp of indescribable stupidity!

Over here a piece of education would do for the useless brat. On assumption of office, His Excellency set in motion a panel of eminent persons to screen and interview a list of applicants for the MCE and DCE jobs.

Quite naturally, having served in various capacities Honourable Kempes Ofosu Ware applied, having been prompted to do so by a sizeable number of people who had lived in the Tema community and known what contributions he had made towards the improvement of the society in times past.

A man of the people, Mr. Ofosu Ware had lived in the cosmopolitan community in peace with everybody else, served the Tema community just like he would his father’s plantation and so applied quite naturally for the top job. I believe his credentials and his delivery on the day among 12 other equally good contestants placed him a cut above the rest.

Come to think of it as prospective NDC Member of Parliament in the 2008 General Elections, he whittled down the over 20,000 difference to a hopeful 5,000 and that cannot be swept under the carpet. As for the case of alleging that the MCE had an opposition man advocating for him to get his present position it is as far as infantile as the three-letter words JACOB ADJEI ANNANG.

As if that is not enough the author shot from his hip instead of his head that Kempes Oware rooted for Nana Akuffo Addo for the 2008 Presidential election. If indeed I should educate this infantile mind, I will want to state that Honourable Ofosu Ware has an excellent relationship with a mass of floor members and opinion leaders such as the Tema Mantse, Nii Adjei Kraku.

This MCE cuts across all divides which is why even opposition minds such as Honourable Ishmael Ashitey sings his tune. Honourable Ofosu Ware’s style of leadership is attractive, for he first served his apprenticeship as Assembly Man from 1994 till 2002

What the MCE wants to focus on are the improvement of Tema Roads, sanitation, education and above all employment for the youth and all adults not only to keep heart and soul together, but enjoy God’s blessings in the land of their birth. As for the RICHSTER AMARFIO’S of Tema who are in the habit of duping the NDC and after that joining hands with the NPP, only to metamorphose of the JACOB ADJEI ANNANGS, may their filthy talk wrapped in faulty English rebound in their faces which clearly need a thorough clean-up.

Yours faithfully,

Esau Adjei Annang,

Tema, Ghana.