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Opinions of Thursday, 13 November 2003

Columnist: Kooke, Andy

Rejoinder:Prominent chief in trouble (Asankrangwa)

This is a rejoinder to the Ghanaian Chronicle Volume 12, No. 51 - Wednesday, November 12, 2003...

It is with utmost regret and disappointment that I'm writing this piece, on behalf of some concerned citizens of Asankrangwa, based in United States, concerning the lobsided, biased, uneducated and "unjournalistic" report made by Dominic Jale about the Asankrangwa chieftaincy case. Sad to say, Mr. Kofi Koomson, that your Paper lost all our respect and confidence to employ such amateurs to once a renowned voice of the people, why such a glaring bias???

The fact of the case is that the Distinguished Chief of Asankrangwa, Daasebre Nana Anyani Buadum III has been the legitimate and sole ruler of Asankrangwa for over 50+ years. He personally engineered the first hospital, Secondary school, police station, and was among the pioneers in bringing positive social change to the entire Wassa-Amenfi land. In short, our Chief is the epitome and the very embodiment of truth, honesty, integrity, NON-PARTISAN, respect, and excellence. Go to the grassroots and talk to the non-partisan members of the village and these values will speak of itself about our chief. For Dominic Jale to unjournalistically and unintelligently report that such a distinguished Chief was bound to bring considerable havoc to his own people is ridiculous, unfounded and uncharacteristic of our noble Chief.

A true journalist will tell the story as it is, that the DCE of Asankrangwa, Mr. Takyi, togther with the Western Regional Minister and the Omanhene Kasapreko are all involved and undermining the entire Asankrangwa chieftaincy issue. Sad to say that, they have perceived Nana to be an NDC member (which is false, by the way) and have turned the whole case into an NPP fest agains our Chief...Mr. President, this is the truth and I don't think NPP should sacrifice its integrity for people like our DCE, Regional Minister and Omanhene??? Where is your zero tolerance on such corruptive behavior? Why the blind eye to what is going on? Do you want to wait until things turn to be like the Ya-Na type of situation???? Yes, and Dominic Jale, you're only right this time, in 1998 the chieftaincy dispute turned into an unrest which resulted in the loss of lives and property, but again Dominic, you get so lobsided, you couldn't even have the integrity to report the Chief's neph! ew (Uncle Joe) was shot dead and the Chief's niece (Aba Yaa) was shot in the thigh and is a living witness to this awful situation. Why are you selling your integrity and the integrity of your paper for lies, and partisan politics? When did we put lies over the moral principles the Ghainaian culture adore? Why didin't you report that the Chief's wife's (Aunite Aggie's) hotel was burnt down together with several other people, and nobody has bothered to even comment on reimbursement or any such thing? Yet we want these noble citizens who have suffered unjustly to swallow their pain and smilingly vote for the Gov't who sits tight and does nothing about their legitimate predicaments and concerns?

We've nothing to say to Asamoah Tannor, all we ask of the Gov't is to critically look at his background of embezzlements upon embezzlements of Gov't funds and peoples' money dating from his appointment as headmaster in the Brong Ahafo Region...that should speak for itself. His son also followed his father's "noble" footsteps and also embezzled lots of Gov't fund in the same BA region and had to run away for Italy. Dominic, would you leave your village in the hands of such rogues? Would you exchange a noble ruling Chief of over 50+ years for such people? Ask yourself, why did these people wait until Nana got ill before they re-ignited all these issues? Bunch of cowards?


Kofi Koomson let Dominic pay a week's visit to Asankrangwa and get his facts straight and re-write his story.

Gov't: Why the blind eye? Put the DCE, Regional Minister and Omanhene on the microscope to come out with the truth, void of partisan politics, and reimburse those who lost property

This case was closed before 30yrs ago, Kuffour it is your duty to be fair and close it forever and ever.

Other media: Please don't embarrass yourselves like Chronicle did. Thanks for the time!

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