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Opinions of Saturday, 12 March 2016

Columnist: Adusei, Alexander Y.

Rejoinder: Statements by Nii Noi Nortey on Asempa FM

It has come to our attention that on March 9, 2016, Mr. Nii Noi Nortey did make some unsavory comments about events that took place in Columbus, Ohio on October 24, 2015 during the Ekosi Sen program on Asempa FM. While I have not had the opportunity to listen to the audio of Mr. Nortey’s statements, I am reliably informed that Mr. Nortey is accusing the organizers of the event and Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (NAADA) of not acknowledging his presence at the program.

Let me first categorically state that there wasn't any attempt by the organizers or NPP-USA Women’s Wing to delibrately scuttle the efforts of any sitting MP, PC or the flagbearer to win the 2016 elections. It is true that our political gain in this election year is by numbers and we would not intentionally do anything to alienate any voter or group of people in our quest to win the 2016 elections.

I am the NPP Chapter Chairman of the referenced event of October 24, 2015. I together with the branch's Women's Wing hosted the event. NADAA was NOT the special guest, rather, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo. NADAA only appeared as a supporting guest to his wife. Most MP’s, PC’s, supporters and sympathizers came to the venue because of Mrs. Akufo-Addo and just happened to meet NADAA at the event. In fact, most of the dignitaries including present MP’s, PC’s and past NPP Branch, Regional and Constituency Women Organizers who graced the occasion were not formally acknowledged by the organizing committee or the host chapter because of undue follow of protocol. Those who followed protocol had the opportunity to visit with Mrs. Akufo-Addo and NADAA before the program started. If NADAA mentioned any names at all during his brief comment, it would have been the leadership he visited.

It just happened that the Master of Ceremonies (MC) during the program and speeches took it upon himself to mention and acknowledge dignitaries who were identifiable within the large gathering and had not followed protocol. As I write, with the exception of the dignitaries who followed protocol and called on the organizers’ and/or my office, I was unaware of Mr Nortey's presence at the program. In fact, Mr. Nortey was not among the people who visited with Mrs. Rebecca Akufo Addo and NADAA. We have gone back to check the program's protocol list and Mr. Nortey’s name is not on it. Until these unsavory attributions, I did not even know Mr. Nortey was in Columbus and was among the dignitaries the MC acknowledged during the bustling program. This verily means, as a member of the party and then outstanding PC, he did not make himself available to interact with the organizers’ or the invited guests. We sincerely believe if Mr. Nortey have had any issue, he would have voiced it out to us at the program and not five months after the program. His comments now are after thoughts and an attempt to rope NADAA into some phantom scheme of which NADAA had no control. This is not fair, Mr. Nortey, and do not speak well of your gentleman stature. It is about time our membership stop pointing their left fingers towards their villages.

Mr. Nortey, your statements about incidents at our program in Columbus, Ohio, on October 24, 2015 on Asempa FM is not accurate. It's palpable falsehood. We will not sit back for you to denigrate a fine gentleman and a great program that highlighted the best among our NPP women's Wing and the entire fraternity.. If you were offended for not getting the STAR treatment due to failure to follow protocol, we sincerely apologize. But we will not standby for you to blame the blameless. Be contrite and withdraw your shameful comments.

Alexander Y. Adusei, Jr.
NPP, Columbus Chapter