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Opinions of Sunday, 5 June 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi

Rejoinder: USAID and WACD - Ghana to become narco-State if Akufo-Addo elected

Of all the most absurd stories, nothing could measure up to the inanity of the one bearing the heading. "USAID and WACD: Ghana to become Narco-State id Akufo-Addo Elected".

In the first place, there is no such report emanating from the archives of the USAID. This is a forgery by all means that the US Embassy and USAID will soon debunk. We condemn the disgusting attack on Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP. Let us say that no political party is responsible for the acts of its individuals. WACD distances itself from the warping of the report to make it seem biased against Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP.

Now, let me state, unreservedly, that the very conduct of the NDC goons that are behind this false fabrication is insidious, and smacks of Machiavellianism and gross contempt towards Ghanaians. The nation is in uproar over recurring fuel price hikes, unbearable electricity tariffs that was soon discovered to be the design of John Mahama and his group of bandits, failed NHIS, failed school feeding programme, failed promises of the President, failed NDC policies, continual embezzlement of the national coffers, unpragmatic governance, totalitarianism, cronyism, narcissism, government overspending, vote buying; and the list of NDC atrocities continues infinitely.
The NDC has committed a grave crime by forging a statement purportedly issued by the USAID and an adulterated one released by WACD. This would have a debilitating effect on the integrity of the USAID and the US Embassy if steps are not taken to secure their names. How they can allow the criminals in the NDC to use them as puppets in their smear campaigns against the honourable flag bearer of the NPP, Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo, beats my imagination.
Fellow Ghanaians, the instances of cocaine peddling by the NDC are endless. Of recent memory was the Ayele Ametefe cocaine scandal involving 12.5 kgs of cocaine. According to media reports, this woman, who was given a diplomatic passport by the big guns at the presidency, was the mistress and concubine of many powerful men in government. For this reason she had unfettered access to all that she desired. To the extent that she was brought the cocaine while on board the aircraft in Accra cements that assertion. She got busted in the UK while on board the aircraft. The Ghanaian Embassy was soon fumbling trying to secure a deal for her. To the extent that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madam Hannah Tetteh, came to her defense in the media seemed to confirm the involvement of the government in Ayele Ametefe's cocaine deal. Her property was said to be seized by the government and her accounts frozen, but that was just a hoax. They are in safe keeping until she returns to Ghana via a prisoner exchange programme hurriedly signed by the John Mahama administration to ensure her extradition to Ghana where she will have her freedom as before.
Before then, many cases of such narcotics peddling by NDC financiers caused media agitations that soon quelled down. This is why John Mahama always insults Ghanaians by claiming that they have short memories.
An incident, allegedly, occured on board British Airways Flight BA 078 upon arrival at Heathrow airport, last week, when Allotey Jacobs was accosted by four Police Officers on suspicion of money laundering and narcotics trafficking. The British High Commissioner hastened to deny the claims like usual. That created a vicious tug-of-war between Ghanaian citizen and Mr Jon Benjamin. The nation has not slept over this story, although the ominous sounds of silence are beginning to disturb the serenity of the Country. Very soon, the bottom of this case would be unearthed.

An NDC former Security official at the Kotoka International Airport was arrested in America in 2013 with loads of narcotics. These are the financiers of the NDC, a political party that assumed 29 of the 59 years of independence. Their regimes were riddled with inefficiency, theft, crime, drug deals, and money laundering to the detriment of the nation. It was only under the rule of John Mahama that deals in cocaine and other hard drugs have proliferated openly without shame.

By the way, reliable sources from within the NDC suggest that the President's best friend at East-Legon is the biggest drug baron in Ghana, who supported and funded John Mahama in his vice-presidential and Presidential campaigns. Is it not obfuscating at this time that such a slur be made falsely on Honourable Nana Akufo-Addo by the NDC just to score cheap political points, albeit evanescent?