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Opinions of Sunday, 2 March 2003

Columnist: Aidoo, Prince Junior

Religious leaders to pray for Ghana before 2004.

“But one thing is sure that, God is not a Liar. God will never bless anyone who has any evil minds against his people. God will never bless a country led by nefarious leaders who have no compassion for their people”.

You can be a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Pagan, or a partisan, you have an obligation to protect your country in which you live against evil deeds. Your beloved country Ghana will be going through certain turbulence before the end of 2004. The enemy is ready to strike again just to cause confusion and to distract us from achieving unity and democracy in our country. Our democracy is in danger. This is a vision.

Ghanaians are therefore warned not to be sleeping and dreaming in their dens, but to be vigilant and pray. It is dangerous to trifle with sin, sinful influences, thoughts and actions. “We have to be white as the dove, and be wise like the serpent”. We have to watch and pray for the devil will strike when we are asleep. This is a message to all religious leaders in the country. Our democracy is too young to left in the hands of rebellious and disgruntle citizens. Religious leaders and every Ghanaian citizen are requested to take this message serious and pray for the nation regardless ones political affiliation or believes.

You can claim to be highly religious or political than anyone on this planet, but one thing is sure, God is not a Liar. God will never bless anyone who has any evil minds against his people. God will never bless a country led by nefarious leaders who have no compassion for their people. God will never bless any selfish religious group or organisation who exempts itself from national development issues. Hypocrisy is a disease and sin against humanity. It brings forth iniquity.

We Ghanaians should learn to accept constructive criticism. Our nation can only develop and be blessed on this principle. We should learn to hold our leaders and nationals responsible for their iniquities. They should be made accountable to their people. We should learn to support our leaders, council and help them to rule the country with faith and in truth, for their creator who?s people they are governing is not a liar but a Father full with love and compassion. A Father who deserves the honour to be worshiped. We should learn to pray and ask for forgiveness of our sins and Ghana will be blessed. We should learn to ask God for “Wisdom”.

We should ask God to bless us with the “power of creativity” and the strength to work harder than before.

“Therefore as righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death”. Let us therefore watch and pray for our Nation Ghanaians.

May God have mercy on His people.

Prince Aidoo (Evangelist)
Ghana Social Democrats

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