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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Columnist: Assibid Dauda

Reminder to Nana Addo’s hypocritical misinformation minister

Mustapha Hamid, Minister for Information Mustapha Hamid, Minister for Information

Hon. Mustapha Hamid,

Greetings from Binduri.

Nawao, Ghanaians don suffer.

I understand you said Nana Akufo-Addo's government cannot reduce the prices of petroleum products due to the deregulation of Petroleum pricing in 2015 by the erstwhile Mahama regime, right?

What is wrong with you this unfortunate Minister at all? So the Leopard would never change its spots? Are you sure you're not taking inspiration from the everyday lying Information Minister of Nigeria, Hon. Lai Mohammed?

I know you have a pathological compulsion to subvert the truth. No blinking, blushing, stammering and gulping whatsoever when you are telling lies. But must it be everyday?

For how long would you and your unaware President play 'chaskele' with the lives of the masses? The kind of Lies the 2 'Mumu Captains' have rogued Ghanaians with is beyond reasonable doubts!

Not too long ago, government was insensitive and sat aloof whilst prices of petroleum products skyrocket, but all of a sudden Ghanaians should clap for you for supervising unprecedented hikes in the prices of petroleum products?

Our drivers are unable to cater for their wives and children because they are now working for fuel filling stations. Ghanaians are unable to fill their gas cylinders any more because of the astronomical increase in the cost of filling one. Deforestation is staring us in our villages.

Ghanaians struggle to afford transport fares and government is doing nothing about it probably because government officials use coupons and don’t know how hard it is for Ghanaians to afford fares. The taxpayers money? Let our taxes count.

Madam Akua Donkor's government obviously would have treated Ghanaians better than your contaminated government. She certainly would have always been sympathetic to the plight of the masses.

Jesus's Sermon on the Mount advised we should refrain from giving what is holy to the dogs; neither should we cast our pearls to swines, lest they trample them under their feet, turn and tear you in pieces. But for once I wish to challenge that status quo by using you as my case study. So let's see how it plays out.

Honourable Edward Bawa, the Member of Parliament for Bongo constituency offered free education on the fuel prices brouhaha, it's his position I consider as Pearls to cast onto you maybe let's say a Swine.

He says your government should as a matter of urgency; REDUCE THE PRICES OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS NOW!!! He continued by saying; When the special petroleum levy was introduced in 2015 the following occasioned that:

1. Crude oil was benchmarked to be $60 per barrel

2. Unfortunately crude oil price in the international market collapsed. Crude oil moved from $60 to $30 per barrel

3. This created a shortfall in the expected petroleum revenues that the state needed to finance the budget

4. The government then went back to parliament to ask for approval to impose the 17.5% special petroleum tax on petroleum products to make up for the deficit in revenues.

What is the situation today?

1. Crude prices are back to the region of $60 per barrel.

2. It means the conditions that necessitated the imposition of the special petroleum tax are no longer existent.

3. Luckily we have a government who, then in opposition, condemned the introduction of this tax and christened it all sort of names (killer tax, nuisance tax etc).

4. A government who as part of its campaign promise signalled a removal of this tax.

5. This encouraged transport owners and commercial drivers to massively vote for it. The drivers have fulfilled their side of the contract. It is the turn of the govt.


Obviously, what I would add to his position is for you to stabilize the Ghana Cedi, Hon. Isaac Adongo would be of assistance to your government if only you are willing to humble yourselves and learn from him.

Would government heed to advise and scrap the 17.5% levy so as to effectively reduce the prices of petroleum products?

Things have actually fallen apart and the center is not holding. Ghanaians can't endure this hardship beyond 4 years; hell no!

Our challenges are really fearsome with characters like you occupying sensitive positions and certainly Ghanaians would rise up in 2020 and your unaware President and his lying Veep would be voted out of government come December 2020.

Yours ever, Assibid Dauda The Binduri Youth