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Opinions of Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Reminding Asantehene of One Last Thing Before…


I vamoose? Advanced age comes along with infliction of loss of memory on human beings. Subsequently, we need to be reminded of our promises made sometime ago when our memories were sharp before they began to fade.

"A promise is a debt to pay but not the debt itself". However, our failure to fulfil our promises, amid doing so deliberately energetically, makes us appear like dogs eating their own vomitus.


Does Asantehene ever remember saying the following at an Asanteman Council sitting? Turning to Kumawuhemaa who had intentionally failed to counter one Abena Wurukye’s invocation of Asantehene’s Great Oath (Asantehene Ntamkese) on both the Ananangyas and her, he said, "Nana Hemaa, do you hear what the woman, (Abena Wurukye) is saying? Do you understand it? She says, "She is the owner of the Kumawu Kodua Stool and has offered it to you to occupy it for a while". This goes to tell that the very day she is found guilty, having engaged the Ananangyas in litigation over it, and she is going, you go with her" That will be the end of your reign. Asantehene had sought by his action to prompt Kumawuhemaa to issue a counter invocation on Abena Wurukye as did the head of the Ananangyas.


However, Kumawuhemaa did not appreciate the seriousness of Asantehene’s prodding. What was her response then? She said, "I will defend myself in the event of Wurukye being found guilty" Otumfuo, however insisted that as soon as Wurukye was found guilty, Kumawuhemaa would automatically equally be guilty. Kumawuhemaa never issued any counter invocation on Abena Wurukye as one would normally expect to happen.


After intentional dilly-dallying on the part of Asantehene and his now proven conniving Asanteman panel, for two years down the line, Abena Wurukye was found guilty.


One Abena Wurukye from Kumawu Adomako Pim royal family (of sub-chief status) had invoked Asantehene Ntamkese on both Kumawuhemaa and the late Ananangya royal family head, Nana Nti Kwaakye. She did so in the glare of Asanteman Council sitting with Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, present, adorned in his kingly cloth. She said, ""Nkokohwede mmienu nk3 ko obi afuo ase", then invoked the Asantehene Ntamkese on both the Ananangya family head and Kumawuhemaa, signifying her claim of total ownership to the stool.



Wurukye’s statement translates into English as, "Two bush fowls have no right to fight over a spoil in someone’s farm". Figuratively, why you should fight over the ownership of something that does not belong to you, thieves as both fighters are presumed to be, she meant.


Has Asantehene ever considered what he said on that fateful day during the entire course of his prejudiced attempts at solving the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute? No! Has he then eaten back his vomitus (spittle)? Yes, of course.


I had all along wished he steered a bit clear away from untruths and acts that make him an easy target for reprimand without knowing he is happily mired in his evil ways.


Who would in their right senses respect such a leader, be honest with yourselves? When I express my sincere views amid emotions, others think I am rude. If I am, so be it. Gone are the days when we allowed our leaders to wield absolute autocratic powers, getting away with blue murder and all acts of nonsensicalities. Nowadays, we shall tell them our piece of mind following how they sincerely or dishonestly behave towards the governed or their subjects. Respect is an act of reciprocity; it is earned but not commanded. Asantehene has sacrificed his respect for materialistic wealth, I can deduce from his actions.


Unless we cease being hypocrites, telling our leaders the truth, they will forever behave irresponsibly to our disadvantage, taking us for fools all of the time. I came back only to remind Asantehene of what he once said that is ingrained in my mind even though, he may have forgotten it.


He is chasing his selfish aspirations, always cruising for bruising. Let it be known to him and his entire team of connivers that I am not a rented agent of anyone, as they presume. I am simply angered by their irresponsible acts that have denigrated the Asantes under their leadership. We Asantes have lost our dignity and pride under their leadership because of their compelling myopic desires to selfishly attain wealth.


It is not over until it’s over. Winners never quit and quitters never win. I love to respect my leaders but under the current circumstances where they take the governed or their subjects for fools, I honestly can’t. If they change for the better, I shall change the same minute to reciprocate their good behaviour.


I advise Asantehene to bear in mind that, "Good name is better than riches". If he thinks he has developed a thick skin against public criticisms, then let him pursue his selfish agenda with all his heart, mind and soul.


Let me leave this case as I seem to be chasing the wind. I need to use my precious time attending to other personal tasks of importance. I expect someone with the love of his people (Asantes and Kumawuman’s) to continue with the unique work that I have nobly started and about to call it a day.


"For evil to triumph is for good people to sit down doing nothing". People will understand me better one day when it may be too late.




Rockson Adofo





