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Opinions of Friday, 8 March 2013

Columnist: Abugri, Haruna S.

Renaming Bawku Sec, who led the park?

Growing up, the one and only secondary school, that use to serve the eastern part of the upper east region until the coming in to being of sister secondary schools was called AZORKA COLLEGE. As fast as I was, I ask my father as to why the school was named so and he answered- boy, you have learned some history per your question. AZORKA is now late. He is the immediate past overlord of the Bawku traditional area and father of the current overlord Naba Asigri Abugrago Azorka II .There he rested and added you will learn more on these as you grow. As curious as I am since childhood, I went to an elderly man in my village and posed the same question to him. He gave me the same answer and encourages me to try and learn more about the past.

AT my primary school, I overhead my classroom teacher mentioned Osei tutu secondary school where he said his younger brother was attending. I was puzzled and so I quietly walk to him and in a low tone ask-sir does that mean he was the one who put up that school?, he laughed and said no it was named after him- may be probably for their immerse contribution towards their communities and the nation at large. Then this will motivate others to also work hard I ask-yes yes my teacher answered.

So is that how Bawku sec was named after Azorka? Exactly he said. But years afterward, the name has suddenly changed from AZORKA to Bawku sec. My question now is why the change and who did the change? I threw this question to a number of people within the Bawku traditional area and one answer seems dominating-the politicians are those behind it. Many told me.

If the politicians are really those behind it, what is their interest-anyway let no one see my article as bias. Having healed From Nkronful in the western region, our famous and fine gentleman had one of the country’s magnificent universities in the Ashanti region named after him { K N U S T}. We have the tetteh quashi interchange, etc etc-the list it too tall. We even have George walker bush high way so why is everything in the north always receives agitations and counter agitations. Why can’t we maintain AZORKA sec.

I therefore appeals to all those who matter to help rename the school as AZORKA sec so that our great hero can fell happy in his grave. I am therefore lacing my boots with my travelling bag ready as I wish to kick start my journey towards changing the name of the school to it original name {AZORKA SEC}. My first point of call will be the palace of my able king NABA ASIGRI ABUGRAGO AZORKA II. I called on all who share my opinion not to sit down. Let’s move all out to get this done. Your contribution in any form is greatly needed.

The writer is the upper east regional correspondent-THE CRISTIAN MIRRO, THE LEAD NEWS PAPER AND FORMERLY OF THE HERALD NEWS PAPER.WRITER,S [email protected]