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Opinions of Sunday, 9 June 2013

Columnist: Nweanah, Francis Eduku

Requires higher IQ to interpret why gay by nature

Infact it requires higher IQ to interpret why gay by nature (God)

The gay issue is a complex one which demands someone with a higher intelligence to
be able to understand and not theological panic without any thorough investigations.
Despite numerous countries legalising it, the argument around gay relationship is
still going on in ghana.With this in mind , it may be useful to consider whether
there is any scientific rationale to oppose gay relationship and that the creator
didn't made it for a purpose [Nweanah warning: There isn't)
Science rather supports gay as another factor which distinctly aids existence
contrary to what some Ghanaians think that gay should add up to the role of
procreation. Gay outwit procreation because in ensures luxury existence on earth on
grounds of its population dynamic tool which manages population over time to prevent
over exploitation of natural resources.So they work hand in hand you can't overlook
one. What would happen if we procreate and lack the necessary grounds to survive?.
Compare the hardships endured now to the previous years and that to come due to
distortion in population. It promotes unity between men and men as in men and women
to ensure over-all unity by nature in human race and others.
Gay is purposely made by Nature (God) which scientifically dissociates itself from
other deviants but requires higher intelligence due to its complexity and that was I
think why the philosophers of the Bible denoted it as a 'mark" or caribration to the
end of days when civilization was thought to have then been highly achieved through
learning. it is not easy for "non adult learners" to comprehend its benefit to
While it is usually partial to refute typical arguments against same sex
relationship in our constitution, is there any scientific credibility to the view by
our constitution that same sex relationship is of "Incarnal Knowledge" or unatural?.
Presumably this argument is referring to the act of homosexual sex, which isn't
found in nature(except---when it is regularly is).
If you are viewing it a lot while complaining about it (homosexual), the objections
are in a way questionable.
Applying the same rationale to same sex marriage is farcical. Marriage in General is
infact unnatural. A romantic union recognised in law and based in a traditional
ceremony isn't something non-humans have much time for. A lion does not fill out
legal documents before he mates with a lioness (good thing too, he'd never get
anything done
Penguins may actually mate for life.(except when they don't) but to date none has
ever been seen giving a best man's speech. Rarely if ever will a male playing mantis

walk his daughter down an aisle of some description, although there could be several
reasons for this.
As some of the above link show, our understanding of 'natural' relationship often
seem to be based largely on misinformation and myth, so trying to apply this notion
to an entirely human construct makes little or no sense scientifically.
The standard Biblical case against homosexuality is not as air-tight as many people
seem to think. People bring up many points routinely, and it's amazing how the
attacks don't hold up if you look at their Biblical 'evidence' carefully.
The apostle Paul taught that we are no longer under the law. Period.
The verses are Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Thou shall not lie with a man, as with a woman: it is an abomination. Second, if a
man lie with a man, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an
abomination: they shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them.
There is however a big problem quoting Leviticus. The problem is that christians
aren't any longer under the law.The Apostle Paul makes this abundantly clear in
galatians, all who rely on the law are under a curse.(Galatians 3:10)
Deuteronomy 27:26 according to Paul's statement below, things have changed.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse(Galatians 3: 13)
It was Jesus'death on the cross that rescued us from the curse of the law. if we
insist on following the law and imposing the law on others, we negate the cross of
Christ and actually repudiate Christ's death on the cross.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, Stand firm, then, and do not let
yourself to be burdened again by a yoke of slavely.......Galations 5:1
If we measure ourself as christians by how well we follow the law, we have return to
our slavely to sin. For us religious folks , this is precisely what is meant by : a
dog returning to its own vomit" Proverbs 26:11; II Peter 2:22 : But if you are led
by the spirit you are not under law 'Gal 5:18
The bible does not distict between ceremonial law or moral law
infact the whole bible is useful except those the new refer to as law.
So an answer to these questions.
1. is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us for God and keep us from loving our neighbors
as ourselves. So being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other
persons is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to Judge is a sin.
2. What did Jesus say about gay people?
Jesus said the same thing about gay people that He said about all people; God
loves you beyond your wildest imagining and calls you to walk in love with
God and with each other. He also said a whole lot about loving your neighbor,
welcoming the stranger, embracing the outcast and ministering to the marginalized.
3. Does the Bible realy condemn Homosexuality?
The short answer is No. it does not. The handful of passages in the old and new
Testaments that talk about God condemning specific sexual act have nothing
whatsoever to do with sexual orientation and everything to do with context such as
cultic prostitution and gang rape. To put it another way using the Bible as a
handbook on human sexuality makes as much sense as using it as a handbook on
astronomy. Just as those who wrote the Biblical text had no concept of the science
that would
prove the earth actually revolves around the sun, they had no concept of
homosexuality which wasn't defined until 19th century.
4. How to response when people say "God hates f...s?
First of all, God's nature is to love, not to hate. We believe that what God
cares about isn't our sexual orientation but our theological orientation, and that
the question isn't 'who do you love?' but ' do you love?' Recognizing that
homophobia causes some folks to project onto God their own fears, prejudices
and biases against LGBT people.
5. When they say being gay is a sin and choice?
Jesus said absolutely nothing about being gay, but he said a lot of things about
judging other people. While there is no concensus among scientist about the exact
reasons that an individual develop a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian
there is concensus that sexuality is continuum. So the 'choice'
is to build our own healthy relationships, and give other people the grace to build
What of Politicians condemning Gay, citing their belief in the Bible?
They should keep in mind that the first amendment
protects them in believing whatever they want to about what God does or does not
bless , but it also prohibits them from using those beliefs to decide who the
constitution actually protects or doen't protect. They should stop confusing their
theology with our democracy and then campaign for and donate to their opponent in
the during next elections.
I am therefore urging all gays to feel free and come out other than kill themselves
in the closet.

Nweanah Francis (Socialist)