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Opinions of Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Resist Mahama and He Shall Flee

As Jesus directed Christian believers to, "Resist the
devil and it shall flee", so do I call on discerning Ghanaians to resist
John Dramani Mahama and he shall scurry away like a frightened dog with its
tail tucked in-between its legs. The dog reference or analogy is used
figuratively, so the public must please take note and excuse my French.

Until when are Ghanaians going to sit on their lap, twirling
their fingers, hoping for a Messiah to descend from the Higher Firmaments to
rescue them from the slavery they are subjected to under the hands of John
Mahama and his brigade of the Ghanaian version of the "Arabian Ali Baba and his forty

The Mahama NDC-led government is depleting the coffers of
Ghana at such an unprecedented awful rate yet; Ghanaians are powerless to do
anything to stop them. The President, John Mahama, does not see the seriousness
of his inactions and actions but keeps giving promises upon promises to better things.
In effect, he has taken Ghanaians for fools who readily accept his bullshitting
for truth to submissively continue to exercise patience with him while he
doubles his propensity to steal at the expense and ignorance of the citizens.

While Ghanaians are suffering in their numbers, the hopeless
Mahama government, as callous as the Ministers and their Deputies are, continue
to scramble for wealth as if all is well with every Ghanaian, and tomorrow
never come. They ascribe erroneously to the belief of, “Opportunity knocks but
once". Therefore, they are making hay while the Sun shines. They are
stealing as much money as they can while they have the opportunity to be in
office as they cannot tell what tomorrow may bring. This idea is myopic,
scandalous and condemnable.

To John Mahama and his bunch of stealers, "today is
tomorrow's yesterday, so do not put to tomorrow what you can do today, for
tomorrow may be too late for what you can do today". Simply put,
"procrastination is the thief of time. This is why they are stealing all
that they can today than to do so little by little into the future.

Whatever their aim is, we can no longer put up with their
persistent stealing. We had better tell them that enough is enough. I call on
all serious and dedicated Ghanaians to start resisting the evil that Mahama
represents in their life. We have to mount collective pressure on him to quit
the presidency. We have on various platforms indicated to him that he is
corrupt, visionless and incompetent and that he has to look himself in the
mirror to start changing his attitudes. However, he does not understand but
rather continues to do worse things.

As a work colleague, Alf Wright, once told me, his mum used
to say to him when growing up, “if you don't hear it, you will feel it”. When
he was playing truancy and the mum warned him to stop but he continued to, the
mum would grab him by the ear, pinch it and twist it hard. When he started crying,
the mum would say as stated above. In the same manner, as Mahama continues to
ignore our cries to him about our plight under his government, it is about time
we made him feel it.

Let us proceed on public demonstrations. If he still refuses
to curtail his corruption to do as we expect of him, then we have to resort to
civil insurrection to kick him and his bunch of Ali Baba thieves out of government.
Ghanaians should be bold to do this. We should not continue to hope for the
angels of God to descend from Heaven to pinch or twist the ears of obstinate
Mahama before he does as majority of Ghanaians require of him.

President Mahama, you were not born to rule. You were not
trained to rule. You were probably born and trained to steal but that is not
what Ghanaians want. Would you please vacate your post if you cannot do as
discerning Ghanaians expect of you, oh President "Ede bii keke?"


Do you detest me for telling the truth? I do not care as
long as God is [pleased with me. HATE ME IF YOU LIKE, BUT IT MUST BE FOR A GOOD

Rockson Adofo