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Opinions of Friday, 23 October 2020

Columnist: David D. Adzolah

Retraction and apology to Madam Mabel Essegbey

Agotime Senior High School Agotime Senior High School

On 6th August 2020, published an article which was engineered by I, David D. Adzolah.

In the said publication, reference was made to you, Madam Mabel Essegbey, as:

i. Having nothing to show as a legacy when you leave the school next year.

ii. Running tyrannical management in Agotime SHS.

The above assertions have been found to be unfounded and defamatory. The publication of such assertions against you, Madam Mabel Essegbey is most regrettable.

On hindsight, I have realized that I should have exercised discretion in my judgment. I agree that my complete rationalization has brought your high reputation and your office into disrepute.

Within these views, I have taken some moment off and reflected on my action. There could not be any justification whatsoever for it.

I, David D. Adzolah of Agotime Kpetoe hereby apologise unconditionally and unreservedly retract these allegations and comments made against you.

I do undertake not to further publish or cause to be published any of such allegations against you again.


David D. Adzolah