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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Columnist: AFAG

Retrieve Smarty's "Bad" Cash

Though the resignation of the minister for transport is welcomed, it is not enough for God & country. We commend however, the swift action taken by government to retrieve the stolen money. This step notwithstanding, is incomplete until the full complement of the law has been applied.

Be it as it may, AFAG will like to know whether the excess payment has been repaid? When it was made? Was there value for money audit before payment? Did the procurement board grant smarty's sole sourcing rights? Is there a criminal intent in the transaction?

Fellow Ghanaians, under the current precarious economic circumstances, such an unconscionable act must be made to face the full wrath of the law. The records should be set straight on this transaction, and any greedy bastard (who have sent this country begging on its knees) trading off our common goal for their paroquial interest punished.

Our simple questions need not escape your attention Mr. President.

We wish Ghanaians a prosperous New Year.


Wesley Owusu