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Opinions of Saturday, 10 September 2016

Columnist: Lungu, Prof.

Rev. Prof. Martey, did they also ask you not to speak about Ghana's oil contracts?

By: Prof Lungu

"... Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey, what did they tell you about the Mahama Oil Hybrid System (MOHS) for Ghana. We are talking about the fraudulent scheme that still is a swindle on Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana...We are just saying: 'Tis a silly season all over the land...And the great news is, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey will now have a lot of time to articulate to the most consequential Ghana public policy agenda item since the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah in 1966..Join...", (Prof Lungu, 6 Sep 16).

It is silly season all over the land and it is not even November (or Christmas).

And the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and its out-going Moderator, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey, have long had the data and the records to have asked the important questions about Ghana's oil contracts.

So, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey , outgoing Moderator, did they also ask you not to speak about the Ghana oil contracts?

Please do reason with Ghana before your sacred "Holy Ghost", as your depart!

Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey, what did they tell you about the Mahama Oil Hybrid System (MOHS) for Ghana, you know, the fraudulent scheme that still is a swindle on Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana?

How much did they, and DFID, pay?

Won't you agree that would have been a lot more consequential policy discourse?

We are just saying: 'Tis a silly season all over the land and it is not even November (or Christmas), yet. And the great news is, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey will now have a lot of time to articulate to the most consequential Ghana public policy agenda item since the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah in 1966.

Admission is free and you do not need a ticket!


SUBJ: Rev. Prof. Martey, did they also ask you not to speak about Ghana's oil contracts?
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