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Opinions of Thursday, 16 November 2023

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Revelation of Mahama's worst enemy

Former president of Ghana, John Dramani  Mahama Former president of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama

No one is perfect because of the infallibility of human nature that is why I get elated anytime someone becomes remorseful of his or her misdeeds. After all, the Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Please read the confession of the worst critic of H.E. John Dramani Mahama:

In the past, I had a difference in opinion with some NDC supporters and it resulted in a hot argument and quarreling. I left radio and TV stations carrying a lot of dissatisfaction and disgust. Such unfulfilled incidents are still fresh in my mind. I am still struggling to get over such a situation. To do that, I do meditation regularly and have gone back to the past to do corrections.

My NDC friends' fight in radio and television stations has been proven right in their continuous assertion that when it comes to running the affairs of our country, John Mahama is by far the better man and the NDC by far the better party.

I criticised Mr. Mahama and his administration, I wrote a series of letters to the President asking him to resign before he collapsed the economy, and I fought NDC communicators and described them as demons, but the truth is that under John Mahama, Ghanaians had affordable food, fuel, regular salaries and enjoyed true freedom and justice.

Moreover, Mahama did not spend unspecified sums of money on an internal party campaign, did not appoint his relatives, daughters, and friends to his government, he did not openly support candidates in his party's internal contests, he did not take potentially dangerous decisions, his name was not mentioned in filthy deals. Perhaps JDM ruined Ghana by reviving our previously moribund hospitals and made it possible for Ghanaians to have more health facilities to access health care.

Perhaps he ruined Ghana by building more schools to increase intake. Perhaps he ruined Ghana by investing heavily in the oil and gas industry. Perhaps he ruined Ghana by building that beautiful road connecting Tarkwa to my hometown.

Unfortunately, President Akufo-Addo has disappointed many of his supporters and admirers including myself. Those hailing him and our government are doing a great disservice to our tradition. This is the most terrible UP government and if we continue on this path, Ghanaians will punish us severely come the next election.

Ghanaians felt that as soon as we came to power, they would feel some relief after the hardship from the immediate past administration of John Manama. But from all indications, John Mahama's government is better than our government.

Meanwhile, the prices of all goods and services in Ghana have gone up, particularly food and fuel. It's indeed a failure to the President and we the supporters.

Our actions and failures have vindicated John Mahama and his NDC. Those of us who insulted him on the radio and wrote long articles chastising him owe him sincere apologies.

Your Excellency John Dramani Mahama, the last time you said posterity will judge you, some of us thought it was going to be after your lifetime, but this judgment has come too fast and too soon. Please find a space in your heart to forgive your detractors because vengeance they say is of the Lord. Continue to trust in the Lord you serve and he will direct your path.