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Opinions of Friday, 10 September 2021

Columnist: Adjei Boakye

Rise in teenage pregnancy in Ghana

The writer advises that we educate our girl child about her right and privileges in society The writer advises that we educate our girl child about her right and privileges in society

Two years ago, I wrote an article about girl-child being exchanged for, cows, lands, and other movable properties all in the name of marriage. Come to think of it, at this age and time, no girl-child has been able to complete junior high school in Sawoubea Junior High School in Wa - East district at the upper west region due to early child marriage.

The veteran Madam Elizabeth Ohene brought this subject up for discussion in 2019. I remember this issue was aired on almost all the radio stations in this country.

(Adjei Boakye et Al, 2019).

Two years down the lane, what has changed? The numbers keep on rising, regimes come and go, but no one has found fault about this worrying situation.

Teenage pregnancy has been in the news for some time now, and for that matter, it has become a subject for discussion. Some saw it years back, its fluidity in the society, and how good morals among the youth have been defaced. Who should we blame?

A friend called this morning in a somber tone, asking about how we can collectively curb this societal canker that has become albatross on our neck. More than 500,000 girls have been impregnated between 2016 - 2020, of which 2020 alone contributing to about 110, 000 teenagers. What at all is the cause of this?

Teenage pregnancy is on the rise as well as child marriage. Subjecting these Innocent children to all forms of pain is unfair to societal freedom. A worrying situation that needs to be fixed.

Let's start the fixing process, devoid of politicization, name-calling, and hatred. Collectively, let's eradicate poverty, and educate our girl child about her right and privileges in society, and the need to go to school.

Soaked this morning!
