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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Columnist: Perez Ewoenam Aklasu

Rising indiscipline in schools: A cause for concern and the way forward

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In recent times, there has been a growing concern regarding the increasing rate of indiscipline in schools across the nation. Schools – the very institutions designed to nurture and mold the minds of our future generations – are now plagued with various acts of misconduct that threaten not only the academic atmosphere but also the very fabric of the moral values they strive to instill in young minds.

The root causes of indiscipline in schools can be attributed to various factors. Among these are societal influences, inadequate reinforcement of moral and ethical values at home, and lack of proper resources and supervision in educational institutions. Additionally, peer pressure and uncontrolled use of social media often play a central role in encouraging acts of indiscipline among students.

The consequences of the rising indiscipline in schools cannot be ignored. Academic performance has shown a downturn in most of our schools as students are distracted by tendencies of misconduct. Unruly behaviors in schools also compromise the safety and well-being of both students and staff.

Furthermore, it is disheartening to see the occurrence of violent acts, bullying and incidents of leaving campus without exeat that have led to emotional trauma and, in some unfortunate cases, a loss of lives like we recently witnessed in the Eastern Region.

These issues need to be tackled from all angles in order to realise a sustained remedy.

In light of the introduction of Professional Learning Community Sessions in SHSs in Ghana, it is crucial to reflect on how these sessions can help address the issue of indiscipline. This new approach to teaching could offer numerous prospects to help curb the growing menace of unruly behaviors in schools.

Effective monitoring and supervision can play a vital role in controlling indiscipline among students. By closely monitoring the activities of students and ensuring that school rules are strictly enforced, educators can help mitigate misbehavior and promote a more conducive environment for learning.

Another avenue to address indiscipline is through motivation. By providing incentives for good behavior and recognizing students for their achievements, schools can promote a more positive environment that encourages students to adhere to rules and adopt good habits.

Moreover, it is important to empower teachers with proper resources to handle misbehavior effectively. This might include regular training sessions and workshops on classroom management and discipline techniques, as well as providing an adequate support system for teachers to address disciplinary issues with their students.

Finally, a comprehensive evaluation system must be in place to assess the effectiveness of disciplinary measures and identify areas that need further improvement. This will ensure that school authorities are constantly refining their approach to dealing with discipline-related issues and creating a favorable atmosphere for both students and staff alike.

In conclusion, the increasing rates of indiscipline in our schools are a matter of grave concern and require collective efforts from all stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and school authorities.

The introduction of Professional Learning Community Sessions in SHSs in Ghana has the potential to provide the necessary tools and framework to address this issue, but it demands a concerted commitment from all parties involved to truly make a difference.

Let us work together to create safe, disciplined, and nurturing environments in our schools, where our future leaders can thrive and grow with strong moral and ethical values.