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Opinions of Monday, 15 March 2021

Columnist: Stephen Bernard Donkor

Road accident more deadly than Covid-19

Road accidents keep claiming lots of lives Road accidents keep claiming lots of lives

This piece is not geared towards scoring cheap intellectual points. However, it is intended to crave your indulgence to the incessant carnage on our roads. Is it the case of negligence on the part of our leaders or motorists? Is there a standard for issuing license to Drivers or otherwise? Travelling on our roads has become dangerous lately. Chances are that you would not return in peace but pieces. It requires a lot of fasting and prayer to ply our routes and arrive at your destination safe and sound.

Before, 16 people died as two KIA Granbird buses collided on the Accra-Kumasi highway a couple of days ago, our institutions have not been strong enough. We do not cherish human lives as a nation. After 60 years, we still lose our human resource to this canker.

Anytime I drive, I notice that majority of our accidents emanate from reckless driving and bad roads. Some drivers do not know where and when to overtake. Passengers often sleep in the course of the journey hence a break in the check mechanism.

Human lives are priceless. Are you aware of the fact that a police officer’s negligence at a barrier can cause your life? Over the years, our roads have become death trap. Believe it or not. Our roads are bad. No two ways about it. Headlines like “34 killed in accident on Ghana Highway, 7 killed, 18 injured in Ghana road crash, 3 killed in road accident on Cape Coast – Accra Highway” continue to make news.

Absolutely nothing is done to avert the trend. I am worried because anyone at all could be a victim of road accident. Road accidents destroys.

Red-light on road accidents.