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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Columnist: Yiadom, Boakye

SC endorses the stolen verdict of Ghanaians

Ghana’s supreme court endorses the stolen virdict of Ghanaians

This day, the 29th of August, 2013, will never be forgotten when the HIGHEST COURT OF GHANA endorsed the stolen verdict of Ghanaians by the Electoral Commissioner Afare Djan for the underserving NDC President John Mahama.

Despite the over whelming evidence before the nine justices of the court presided over by Atugubah, they all dismissed the evidence without a dissenting voice . In a civilized world, the court would not have sat over the case for eight months to hear evidence, cross and re-examinations as well as written submissions before dismissing the case.

Whenever Atugubah and his henchmen requested the Counsel of Plaintiff and respondent to submit a particular document to the court, the NPP counsel, led by Addison, were always there promptly while Tsatsu Tsikata as lead counsel for respondents will not, but will appear with excuses. Atugubah never cautioned these counsel. This was a clear bias Ghanaians were discussing among themselves.

During the latter days of the hearing, Atugubah wore the uniform of the Chief Police Constable to arrest indigenous and proud citizens including Ken Kurankye and Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, (Sir John) the General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), brought them before the court with Atugubah again as the Director of Public Prosecutions and in his attempt to stifle freedom of speech, Atugubah, as the Chief Judge of the court, imposed fines and sentences on mostly the opposition people. What was their crime – for freely expressing their opinions? Is this not one of the biases? In all civilized world to which we erroneously think we belong, the Judges of the bench will never act the way the so-called Supreme Court of Ghana bench acted and brought shame unto the country. After this case, will there be “FREEDOM AND JUSTICE” in the country? I personally doubt it.

I wish to congratulate NPP Lead Counsel Addison for the good job done. “Your Labour will never be in vain. You have proved to the world that there is EMINENT COUNSEL in Ghana. You have done a yeoman’s job.” To Dr. Bawumiah, the lead witness, “You also deserve a very good pat on your shoulder for helping present the good case of NPP. The silent majority of Ghanaians are waiting patiently for your turn to lift you very high.”

Source: Dr. Boakye Yiadom