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Opinions of Monday, 2 May 2022

Columnist: Edward Kyei Frimpong

SMART goals to grow your social media account

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The media today cannot strive greatly without utilizing the advanced technologies available for use in this dispensation. That is why it is so important social media strategies like ‘S.M.A.R.T goals’ must be effectively implemented in order to stay relevant and make an impact. Below is the succinct explanation of the acronym S.MA.R.T.'s goals to aid today’s media.

1. Specific:

In order to increase your social media reach, it is important to set aside specific goals that are clear and not open to interpretation, which will in the long run get you closer to your ultimate destination. For example, you can set a goal of having 700 or 7000 followers on specific social media platforms and work towards achieving that.

2. Measurable:

If what you are hoping to achieve cannot be measured, then your goal is not clear enough and not likely to contribute to your business. It’s necessary to identify your progress and see whether you’re making progress or not. Always take particular notice of the number of your followers because when it comes to success, numbers really matter. Don’t just know you were successful; know how you became successful.

3. Attainable:

A question you should always as yourself is; have your social media accounts contributed to this particular metric in the past? Use that information to set goals that are within your reach. Expecting to have over 500 retweets weekly when you only have 700 followers on Twitter isn’t going to work. It is good to challenge yourself by aiming big but it is better to set goals that are realistic and attainable.

4. Relevant:

Undoubtedly, one of the effective ways of staying relevant is being in touch with your followers on social media. Make your social account a resourceful point of communication with customers who would like to know more about your brand or product. You can stay relevant by driving traffic to your website by the use of your social media accounts.

5. Time-bound:

It is important to set a specific time frame to reach your goals. You’ll be kept accountable and away from procrastination by giving yourself a deadline to achieve your goals.