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Opinions of Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Columnist: Solomon Ter

Sam George is insecure; his bullying tactics are a camouflage

MP for Ningo-Prampram, Sam George MP for Ningo-Prampram, Sam George

For many Ghanaians, especially among the Christian populations, the Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram Sam George is a national hero. Although vertically challenged, what he lacks in height he compensates for with his mouth.

Many have however construed his loud-mouthedness as a show of authority and bravado to speak on issues that affect the country and in effect all Ghanaians.

His campaign against the LGBT community in Ghana over the past 17 months has seen him at the forefront of the war against LGTBTQ+ persons exacerbated by the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill 2021.

One pattern that is visibly apparent in all of Sam George’s engagement whether with journalists, social media users, activists, and even his fellow members of parliament, is his ad hominem attacks and utter lack of decorum on whoever sits on the other side of the debate table with him.

But even more impressive, or perhaps dangerous is the confidence with which he misinforms the public.

But it appears Sam cannot take the same vial of potions he hands out to others. In a recent interview, another Member of Parliament representing Ablekuma North, Sheila Bartels had suggested that the sponsors of the anti-LGBT bill in Parliament were being financed by LGBT organisations in order to popularize the topic within the country.

“There are phases people go through and then eventually it will get to acceptance. I am of the opinion that some of these people have been paid to start this campaign that we have to create a law that is against LGBTQI.” She said.

She added that “..if we touch it and we begin to follow Sam George and his people and what they are doing, in 50 years' time our children will start LGBT. We should not start it at all”.

It appears this did not go down well with the self-proclaimed ‘Lion’ who now adds Gyata to his name.

In response, the Ningo-Prampram MP described his colleague’s silence on the floor of parliament as more intelligent than her claims.

“Your silence on the floor of Parliament actually sounds more intelligent than these effusions of yours. I take my work seriously and do not tolerate silly commentary from uninformed persons” His Facebook post read.

This response was in sharp contrast to his tweet in late July condemning the use of vile politics and insults to address political opponents.

In the same month of July, a political communication consultant Dr. Ekow Acquah called on the MP to apologise to vice president Mahamudu Bawumia for calling him a liar after it was proven that indeed passengers had been able to travel into Ghana using their Ghana cards.

And when a Twitter user disagreed with him over a tweet he made on July 13, the ‘honorable’ MP decided to attack the poor man’s grammar rather than speak to the issue raised.

While Sam Nartey George may have succeeded in putting up a façade that presents him as bold, confident, and outspoken, the fact remains that he is a bully. The past 17 months have seen him verbally, mentally, and emotionally intimidate those whose opinions do not align with his.

The truth is, he is insecure, and powerless, feels the need to control, and derives fulfillment from being applauded by those he appears to be a hero for. In his case the Christian community.

As the saying goes, nothing is hidden under the sun and it is only a matter of time before Ghanaians begin to see through his stained glass window and see him for who he truly is; a selfish, insecure bully whose only source of validation comes from playing savior.