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Opinions of Sunday, 10 April 2011

Columnist: The Emperor

Samia Nkrumah should seize the moment

I was thinking about my mother, whilst composing this article. To tell the truth, my life would’ve been something else without her. For years, she has been a pillar of inspiration, not only to me but to others as well. Her words of wisdom have guided all of her children to a life devoid of complaints. Mother taught me about life and how to live it contentedly! She definitely gave me a heart to feel! Though, I inherited a Black man’s mind to think. From my absentee father, to be precise. There are so much I could tell you about my mother. Tales of wonder and intrigue, of course! However, due to time constraints, I would limit them to a hand full. Mother didn’t have the privilege of going to school! I believe the circumstances deemed it so. Perhaps, it was by nature’s design. Who knows?

Unlike most children, I didn’t have the privilege of growing up with my mother. She wasn’t there! She was in Europe in preparation for the future. During her absence, family members would tell me about her industrious spirit. They would tell me about her curiosity for knowledge. Her aggressive nature wasn’t excluded from the conversation. The more information I gathered about mother, the more I became fascinated! I couldn’t wait to see her, for so many years had passed. Luckily enough, she came for my sibling and I at the appropriate time. Life in Europe wasn’t glossy, especially for mother! My sibling and I witnessed it--firsthand, when we came along. Remember, mother had no education. So, menial labor became her salvation in a country ruled by academics and technocrats!

The more I observed mother work the double shifts, the more I became convinced of her strength. She was single-handedly putting food on the table! She was putting clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet. The bills were always paid on time, not a day late! Back home, in Ghana, folks would be asking favors from her. Financial favors, to be precise. Mother never said no to them! She would give and do so abundantly. In fact, mother was taking care of everybody, not just her own. From then on, I saw how special Ghanaian women are and could be. Not only are they responsible, they are mothers! They see every child as their own. They are care-takers by nature! In that respect, we Ghanaian men are so different from them. I have keenly observed! One doesn’t have to be blind to see how irresponsible we are and could be. For instance, we mess up our own country and then leave in search of greener pastures somewhere foreign. Are we insane or just stupid?

For years, we have been ruling this country like fools. Look at the mess that we have made. Look at the shame that we have made of it. We have turned our sons into armed-robbers. Ghana has overtaken Nigeria as the e-fraud capital of the world. Our natural resources are in the hands of foreign companies. Most of our national companies have been sold off for a mere pittance. We cannot even manage our airline profitably. Wealth, which should be managed properly, is being managed poorly. As a result, life has become unbearable for so many of our own. The list goes on and on. Engaging ourselves in idle banter is what we seem to do best! Honestly, I think that the time has come for us to step aside. We could use the maternal guidance of the brilliant women in our midst. We need to accept the fact that we have failed ourselves, our women and this country!

Recently, it was speculated that Ms Nana Konadu Rawlings might consider running for the presidency. To me, this isn’t a bad idea at all. It would be a noble pursuit! However, I feel that Samia Nkrumah would do a better job. Her understanding of politics differs from the old guards! Hers is more contemporary and innovative. Most importantly, she understands what our fore-mothers paid in blood and tears to change. There is a light in her, which must never go out. The light of hope of a better life, not just for some but for all of us!

Welcome 2 the New age of Consciousness!

Source: The Emperor