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Opinions of Thursday, 17 August 2017

Columnist: Michael Maclean Botwe

Say 'NO' to the division of Volta Region

Michael Maclean Botwe Michael Maclean Botwe

It is indeed, a high, disastrous, malicious, cacophonous, unscrupulous, and colliding sycophantic duration where some citizens of Ghana are trying to cause wound that they cannot treat in the 'Volta Region' and for that matter, Ghana is of no exception.

Why do you want to divide Volta Region?

Is 'Volta Region' bigger than 'Ashanti Region' and the others? Mr. President, kindly, to cleave on your indulgence, and in humility, advice your Volta Regional Minister and his Traditional Leaders. Mr. Regional minister, advice your government on the stance of dividing Volta Region as well.

Say 'NO' to such an uncalled and a retrogressive move to divide Volta Region. Please, fight not for your selfish, parochial, and political interests, rather the interests of all not just a few. All these moves to dividing Volta Region will inure nothing, but to plunge the whole Volta Region into chaos and anarchy and Ghana will candidly not be at peace.

We the Voltarians do not need and don't want any forms of dubious and political divisions.

Don't let blood to be shared in the championing of such a 'political will' or in nexus of your 'political mantra' at this juncture for how far we've have come in our democratic existence and insistence.

Mind you, the government, we are watching and monitoring everything going on, because the Voltarians are united and are peaceful people.

To juxtapose that, graduates and Ghanaians need jobs, for that matter, create the jobs you've promised them. Create jobs for the unemployed and not "creation of new regions" as the current has envisaged.

God will not forgive anyone and their entire generations for such cruel and frivolous act of dividing Volta region.



By Michael Maclean Botwe.

University of Ghana

CT 5023 Cantonments, Accra
